package wayland

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Handlers for normal objects.

class type ['a, 'v, 'role] t = object ... end

An ('a, 'v, 'role) t handles incoming messages for an object of type 'a.

val attach : ('a, 'v, 'role) proxy -> ['a, 'v, 'role] t -> unit

attach proxy t sets t as the handler for proxy.

Any method argument that corresponds to a new object will arrive as a half-initialsed proxy (created by the generated bindings using accept_new). This function must be called immediately (before switching threads or using the proxy) so that any future events addressed to this object can be handled.

val cast_version : ['a, _, 'role] t -> ('a, _, 'role) t

If the version rules turn out to be too restrictive, this can be used to disable them. Using this incorrectly may lead to a protocol error (such as receiving an event for which no handler was registered).

Functions for use by generated code

val accept_new : (_, 'v, [< `Client | `Server ] as 'role) proxy -> (module Metadata.S with type t = 'a) -> int32 -> ('a, 'v, 'role) proxy

accept_new parent id registers a new object, with an ID allocated by the peer.

The generated bindings call this when receiving a new object, before passsing the resulting half-initialised proxy to the application code.


Innovation. Community. Security.