package xapi-stdext-date

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t

date-time with support for keeping timezone for ISO 8601 conversion

val of_ptime : Ptime.t -> t

Convert ptime to time in UTC

val to_ptime : t -> Ptime.t

Convert date/time to a ptime value: the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 Jan 1970. Assumes the underlying t is in UTC

val of_unix_time : float -> t

Convert calendar time x (as returned by e.g. Unix.time), to time in UTC

val to_unix_time : t -> float

Convert date/time to a unix timestamp: the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 Jan 1970. Assumes the underlying t is in UTC

val to_rfc822 : t -> string

Convert date/time to email-formatted (RFC 822) string.

val to_rfc3339 : t -> string

Convert date/time to an RFC-3339-formatted string. It also complies with the ISO 8601 format

val of_iso8601 : string -> t

Convert ISO 8601 formatted string to a date/time value. Does not accept a timezone annotated datetime - i.e. string must be UTC, and end with a Z

val epoch : t

00:00:00 UTC, 1 Jan 1970, in UTC

val now : unit -> t

Count the number of seconds passed since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 Jan 1970, in UTC

val _localtime_string : Ptime.tz_offset_s option -> Ptime.t -> string

exposed for testing

val localtime : unit -> t

Count the number of seconds passed since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 Jan 1970, in local time

val eq : t -> t -> bool

eq a b returns whether a and b are equal

Deprecated bindings, these will be removed in a future release:

val rfc822_to_string : t -> string

Same as to_rfc822

val rfc822_of_float : float -> t

Same as of_unix_time

val of_float : float -> t

Same as of_unix_time

val to_float : t -> float

Same as to_unix_time

val to_string : t -> string

Same as to_rfc3339

val of_string : string -> t

Same as of_iso8601

val never : t

Same as epoch

val assert_utc : t -> unit

Raises an Invalid_argument exception if the given date is not a UTC date. A UTC date is an ISO 8601 strings that ends with the character 'Z'

  • deprecated assertions performed inside constructors, so this fn does nothing
type iso8601 = t

Deprecated alias for t

type rfc822 = t

Deprecated alias for t


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