package xenstore

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
exception Limit_reached

The maximum number of entries has been created

exception Data_too_big

The value to be written is too big

exception Transaction_opened

Too many transactions have been started

val maxent : int Pervasives.ref

The current global default maximum number of entries per domain

val maxsize : int Pervasives.ref

The current global default maximum value size

val maxwatch : int Pervasives.ref

The current global default maximum number of watches

val maxtransaction : int Pervasives.ref

The current global default maximum number of open transactions

val maxwatchevent : int Pervasives.ref

The current global maximum number of outstanding watch events

type overrides
val maxent_overrides : overrides

Per-domain overrides for the maxent limit

val maxwatch_overrides : overrides

Per-domain overrides for the maxwatch limit

val maxtransaction_overrides : overrides

Per-domain overrides for the maxtransaction limit

val maxwatchevent_overrides : overrides

Per-domain overrides for the maxwatchevent limit

val set_override : overrides -> int -> int option -> unit

set_override kind t domid x sets the kind override for domid to x

val get_override : overrides -> int -> int option

get_override kind t domid returns any current kind override for domid

val list_overrides : overrides -> (int * int) list

list_overrides kind returns the current kind (domid, override) pairs

val maxwatch_of_domain : int -> int

maxwatch_of_domain domid returns the max number of watches for domid

val maxtransaction_of_domain : int -> int

maxtransaction_of_domain domid returns the max number of transactions for domid

val maxwatchevent_of_domain : int -> int

maxwatchevent_of_domain domid returns the max number of outstanding watch events for domid

type t

Represents the current per-domain number of entries

val create : unit -> t

Create an empty t

val copy : t -> t

Return a duplicate of t

val union : t -> t -> unit

union a b adds all entries from b to a

val merge : t -> t -> t -> unit

union a b adds all entries from b to a

val check : t -> int -> int -> unit

check t domid size throws Data_too_big if size is too large throws Limit_reached if domid has reached its entry limit

val get : t -> int -> int

get domid returns the number of entries associated with domid

val list : t -> (int * int) list

list t returns all (domid, entry count) pairs

val incr : t -> int -> unit

incr t domid adds an entry to domid

val decr : t -> int -> unit

decr t domid removes an entry from domid