package ocamlnet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
exception Standard_response of Nethttp.http_status * Nethttp.http_header option * string option
type output_state = [
  1. | `End
  2. | `Sending
  3. | `Start
val string_of_output_state : output_state -> string
class type v_extended_environment = object ... end
class type extended_environment = object ... end
class virtual empty_environment : object ... end
class redirected_environment : ?in_header:Nethttp.http_header -> ?properties:(string * string) list -> ?in_channel: Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> extended_environment -> extended_environment
val output_static_response : extended_environment -> Nethttp.http_status -> Nethttp.http_header option -> string -> unit
val output_file_response : extended_environment -> Nethttp.http_status -> Nethttp.http_header option -> string -> int64 -> int64 -> unit
class type request_info = object ... end
class type full_info = object ... end
class create_full_info : response_status_code:int -> request_body_rejected:bool -> output_header: Nethttp.http_header -> output_body_size:int64 -> request_info -> full_info
class type error_response_params = object ... end
class type min_config = object ... end
val output_std_response : min_config -> extended_environment -> Nethttp.http_status -> Nethttp.http_header option -> string option -> unit
exception Redirect_request of string * Nethttp.http_header
exception Redirect_response of string * Nethttp.http_header
class type http_service_generator = object ... end
class type http_service_receiver = object ... end
type http_service_reaction = [
  1. | `Accept_body of http_service_receiver
  2. | `File of Nethttp.http_status * Nethttp.http_header option * string * int64 * int64
  3. | `Reject_body of http_service_generator
  4. | `Static of Nethttp.http_status * Nethttp.http_header option * string
  5. | `Std_response of Nethttp.http_status * Nethttp.http_header option * string option
class type !'a http_service = object ... end
val update_alist : ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a * 'b) list