package ocamlnet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
exception FTP_error of exn
exception FTP_protocol_violation of string
exception FTP_timeout of string
exception GSSAPI_error of string
type cmd_state = [
  1. | `Auth_data
  2. | `Init
  3. | `Not_connected
  4. | `Pass_acct_seq
  5. | `Perm_failure
  6. | `Preliminary
  7. | `Proto_error
  8. | `Rename_seq
  9. | `Restart_seq
  10. | `Success
  11. | `Temp_failure
  12. | `User_acct_seq
  13. | `User_pass_seq
type port = [
  1. | `Active of string * int * Unix.file_descr
  2. | `Ext_active of string * int * Unix.file_descr
  3. | `Ext_passive of int
  4. | `Passive of string * int
  5. | `Unspecified
type form_code = [
  1. | `ASA
  2. | `Non_print
  3. | `Telnet
type representation = [
  1. | `ASCII of form_code option
  2. | `EBCDIC of form_code option
  3. | `Image
type structure = [
  1. | `File_structure
  2. | `Record_structure
type transmission_mode = [
  1. | `Block_mode
  2. | `Stream_mode
type ftp_auth = [
  1. | `GSSAPI
  2. | `None
  3. | `TLS
type ftp_data_prot = [
  1. | `C
  2. | `E
  3. | `P
  4. | `S
type support_level = [
  1. | `If_possible
  2. | `None
  3. | `Required
type ftp_state = {
  1. cmd_state : cmd_state;
  2. ftp_connected : bool;
  3. ftp_data_conn : bool;
  4. ftp_user : string option;
  5. ftp_password : string option;
  6. ftp_account : string option;
  7. ftp_logged_in : bool;
  8. ftp_host : string;
  9. ftp_port : port;
  10. ftp_repr : representation;
  11. ftp_structure : structure;
  12. ftp_trans : transmission_mode;
  13. ftp_dir : string list;
  14. ftp_features : (string * string option) list option;
  15. ftp_options : (string * string option) list;
  16. ftp_auth : ftp_auth;
  17. ftp_auth_data : string option;
  18. ftp_data_prot : ftp_data_prot;
  19. ftp_data_pbsz : int;
  20. ftp_prot : Netftp_data_endpoint.ftp_protector option;
type cmd = [
  1. | `ACCT of string
  2. | `ADAT of string
  3. | `ALLO of int * int option
  4. | `APPE of string * (ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_sender)
  5. | `AUTH of string
  6. | `CDUP
  7. | `CWD of string
  8. | `Connect of string * int
  9. | `DELE of string
  10. | `Disconnect
  11. | `Dummy
  12. | `EPRT
  13. | `EPSV of [ `AF of Unix.socket_domain | `ALL ] option
  14. | `FEAT
  15. | `HELP of string option
  16. | `LANG of string option
  17. | `LIST of string option * (ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_receiver)
  18. | `MDTM of string
  19. | `MKD of string
  20. | `MLSD of string option * (ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_receiver)
  21. | `MLST of string option
  22. | `MODE of transmission_mode
  23. | `NLST of string option * (ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_receiver)
  24. | `NOOP
  25. | `OPTS of string * string option
  26. | `PASS of string
  27. | `PASV
  28. | `PBSZ of int
  29. | `PORT
  30. | `PROT of ftp_data_prot
  31. | `PWD
  32. | `QUIT
  33. | `REIN
  34. | `REST of string
  35. | `RETR of string * (ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_receiver)
  36. | `RMD of string
  37. | `RNFR of string
  38. | `RNTO of string
  39. | `SITE of string
  40. | `SIZE of string
  41. | `SMNT of string
  42. | `STAT of string option
  43. | `STOR of string * (ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_sender)
  44. | `STOU of ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_sender
  45. | `STRU of structure
  46. | `SYST
  47. | `Start_TLS of (module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_CONFIG)
  48. | `Start_protection of Netftp_data_endpoint.ftp_protector
  49. | `TYPE of representation
  50. | `USER of string
type reply = int * string
class type ftp_client_pi = object ... end
type ftp_method = ftp_client_pi -> unit Uq_engines.engine
exception FTP_method_temp_failure of int * string
exception FTP_method_perm_failure of int * string
exception FTP_method_unexpected_reply of int * string
val connect_method : host:string -> ?port:int -> unit -> ftp_method
val login_method : user:string -> get_password:(unit -> string) -> get_account:(unit -> string) -> unit -> ftp_method
val quit_method : unit -> ftp_method
val tls_method : config:(module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_CONFIG) -> required:bool -> unit -> ftp_method
val gssapi_method : config:Netsys_gssapi.client_config -> required:bool -> (module Netsys_gssapi.GSSAPI) -> ftp_method
val walk_method : [ `Dir of string | `File of string | `Stay ] -> ftp_method
type filename = [
  1. | `NVFS of string
  2. | `TVFS of string
  3. | `Verbatim of string
val get_method : file:filename -> representation:representation -> store:(ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_receiver) -> unit -> ftp_method
val put_method : ?meth:[ `APPE | `STOR ] -> file:filename -> representation:representation -> store:(ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_sender) -> unit -> ftp_method
val invoke_method : command:cmd -> unit -> ftp_method
val set_structure_method : structure -> ftp_method
val set_mode_method : transmission_mode -> ftp_method
val rename_method : file_from:filename -> file_to:filename -> unit -> ftp_method
val mkdir_method : filename -> ftp_method
val rmdir_method : filename -> ftp_method
val delete_method : filename -> ftp_method
val list_method : dir:filename -> representation:representation -> store:(ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_receiver) -> unit -> ftp_method
val nlst_method : dir:filename -> representation:representation -> store:(ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_receiver) -> unit -> ftp_method
val parse_nlst_document : string -> string list
val mdtm_method : file:filename -> process_result:(float -> unit) -> unit -> ftp_method
val size_method : file:filename -> representation:representation -> process_result:(int64 -> unit) -> unit -> ftp_method
val feat_method : ?process_result:((string * string option) list -> unit) -> unit -> ftp_method
type entry = string * (string * string) list
val mlst_method : file:filename -> process_result:(entry list -> unit) -> unit -> ftp_method
val mlsd_method : dir:filename -> store:(ftp_state -> Netftp_data_endpoint.local_receiver) -> unit -> ftp_method
val parse_mlsd_document : string -> entry list
type entry_type = [
  1. | `Cdir
  2. | `Dir
  3. | `File
  4. | `Other
  5. | `Pdir
type entry_perm = [
  1. | `Append
  2. | `Create
  3. | `Delete
  4. | `Delete_member
  5. | `Enter
  6. | `List
  7. | `Mkdir
  8. | `Read
  9. | `Rename
  10. | `Write
val get_name : entry -> string
val get_size : entry -> int64
val get_modify : entry -> float
val get_create : entry -> float
val get_type : entry -> entry_type
val get_unique : entry -> string
val get_perm : entry -> entry_perm list
val get_lang : entry -> string
val get_media_type : entry -> string
val get_charset : entry -> string
val get_unix_mode : entry -> int
val get_unix_uid : entry -> string
val get_unix_gid : entry -> string
class ftp_client : ?event_system:Unixqueue.event_system -> unit -> object ... end
module Debug : sig ... end

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