package base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module is deprecated for external use. Users should replace occurrences of Obj_array.t in their code with Obj.t Uniform_array.t.

This module is here for the implementing Uniform_array internally, and exposed through Not_exposed_properly to ease the transition for users.

type t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
include Blit.S with type t := t
val blit : src:t -> src_pos:int -> dst:t -> dst_pos:int -> len:int -> unit
val blito : src:t -> ?src_pos:int -> ?src_len:int -> dst:t -> ?dst_pos:int -> unit -> unit
val unsafe_blit : src:t -> src_pos:int -> dst:t -> dst_pos:int -> len:int -> unit
val sub : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
val subo : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> t -> t
include Invariant.S with type t := t
val invariant : t -> unit
val create : len:int -> Base__.Import.Caml.Obj.t -> t

create ~len x returns an obj-array of length len, all of whose indices have value x.

val create_zero : len:int -> t

create_zero ~len returns an obj-array of length len, all of whose indices have value Caml.Obj.repr 0.

val copy : t -> t

copy t returns a new array with the same elements as t.

val singleton : Base__.Import.Caml.Obj.t -> t
val empty : t
val length : t -> int
val get : t -> int -> Base__.Import.Caml.Obj.t

get t i and unsafe_get t i return the object at index i. set t i o and unsafe_set t i o set index i to o. In no case is the object copied. The unsafe_* variants omit the bounds check of i.

val unsafe_get : t -> int -> Base__.Import.Caml.Obj.t
val set : t -> int -> Base__.Import.Caml.Obj.t -> unit
val unsafe_set : t -> int -> Base__.Import.Caml.Obj.t -> unit
val swap : t -> int -> int -> unit
val unsafe_set_assuming_currently_int : t -> int -> Base__.Import.Caml.Obj.t -> unit

unsafe_set_assuming_currently_int t i obj sets index i of t to obj, but only works correctly if Caml.Obj.is_int (get t i). This precondition saves a dynamic check.

unsafe_set_int_assuming_currently_int is similar, except the value being set is an int.

unsafe_set_int is similar but does not assume anything about the target.

val unsafe_set_int_assuming_currently_int : t -> int -> int -> unit
val unsafe_set_int : t -> int -> int -> unit
val unsafe_set_omit_phys_equal_check : t -> int -> Base__.Import.Caml.Obj.t -> unit

unsafe_set_omit_phys_equal_check is like unsafe_set, except it doesn't do a phys_equal check to try to skip caml_modify. It is safe to call this even if the values are phys_equal.

val unsafe_clear_if_pointer : t -> int -> unit

unsafe_clear_if_pointer t i prevents t.(i) from pointing to anything to prevent space leaks. It does this by setting t.(i) to Caml.Obj.repr 0. As a performance hack, it only does this when not (Caml.Obj.is_int t.(i)).

val truncate : t -> len:int -> unit

truncate t ~len shortens t's length to len. It is an error if len <= 0 or len > length t.


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