package pyml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module declares utility functions that does not require Python to be initialized.

val substring_between : string -> int -> int -> string

substring_between s i j returns the substring of s between the indices i (included) and j (excluded).

val int_of_octal : string -> int

Returns the integer represented by the argument written in base 8.

val int_of_hex : string -> int

Returns the integer represented by the argument written in base 16.

val split_left_on_char : ?from:int -> char -> string -> string

If the character occurs in the substring beginning from from, returns the prefix that precedes the first occurrence (excluded), else returns the whole substring beginning from from.

val split_right_on_char : ?from:int -> char -> string -> string

If the character occurs in the substring beginning from from, returns the suffix that succedes the first occurrence (excluded), else returns the whole substring beginning from from.

val trim_carriage_return : string -> string

If the string ends with '\r', then returns the string without this character, else returns the whole string.

val input_lines : in_channel -> string list

Reads and returns all the lines from an input channel to the end of file. Carriage return characters are removed from the end of lines if any.

val option_find : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b option

option_find f x returns Some (f x), or None if f x raises Not_found.

val write_and_close : out_channel -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

write_and_close channel f arg calls f arg, and returns the result of f. channel is always closed after f has been called, even if f raises an exception.

val with_temp_file : string -> (string -> in_channel -> 'a) -> 'a

with_temp_file s f creates a temporary file with s as contents and calls f filename in_channel where filename is the name of the temporary file and in_channel is an input channel opened to read the file. The file is deleted after the execution of f (even if f raised an exception.

val with_pipe : (in_channel -> out_channel -> 'a) -> 'a

with_pipe f creates a pipe and calls f with the two ends of the pipe.

val with_stdin_from : in_channel -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

with_stdin_from chan f arg calls f arg with the standard input redirected for reading from chan.

val with_channel_from_string : string -> (in_channel -> 'a) -> 'a

with_channel_from_string s f calls f in_channel where in_channel is an input channel returning the contents of s.

val with_stdin_from_string : string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

with_stdin_from_string s f arg calls f arg with the standard input redirected for reading from the contents of s.


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