package ppxlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t
val get : t -> string -> (Ppxlib_ast__.Import.Parsetree.expression, 'a -> 'a, 'b) Ast_pattern.t -> 'b option

get cookies name pattern look for a cookie named name and parse it using pattern.

val set : t -> string -> Ppxlib_ast__.Import.Parsetree.expression -> unit

set cookies name expr set cookie name to expr.

val add_handler : (t -> unit) -> unit

Register a callback that is called before a rewriting. The handler is expected to lookup some cookies and set some global variables.

This API is a temporary hack to allow to migrate from add_arg to the use of cookie, until ppxlib has been upgraded to pass cookies through.

val add_simple_handler : string -> (Ppxlib_ast__.Import.Parsetree.expression, 'a -> 'a, 'b) Ast_pattern.t -> f:('b option -> unit) -> unit

Shorthand for: add_handler (fun t -> f (get t name pattern))

val add_post_handler : (t -> unit) -> unit

Register a callback that is called after a rewriting. The handler is expected to set some cookies from some global variables.


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