Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
include Get with type t := Stdlib.Bytes.t
val get_int8 : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int8
val get_uint8 : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint8
val get_int16_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int16
val get_int16_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int16
val get_uint16_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint16
val get_uint16_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint16
val get_int32_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int32
val get_int32_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int32
val get_uint32_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint32
val get_uint32_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint32
val get_int64_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int64
val get_int64_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int64
val get_uint64_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint64
val get_uint64_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint64
include Set with type t := Stdlib.Bytes.t
val set_int8 : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int8 -> unit
val set_uint8 : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint8 -> unit
val set_int16_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int16 -> unit
val set_int16_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int16 -> unit
val set_uint16_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint16 -> unit
val set_uint16_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint16 -> unit
val set_int32_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int32 -> unit
val set_int32_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int32 -> unit
val set_uint32_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint32 -> unit
val set_uint32_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint32 -> unit
val set_int64_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int64 -> unit
val set_int64_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> int64 -> unit
val set_uint64_le : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint64 -> unit
val set_uint64_be : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> pos:int -> uint64 -> unit
module Unsafe : sig ... end