package gen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Efficient Mutable Lists

Unrolled lists, append-only, used for storing the content of a generator.


let g = 1 -- 1000 ;;
val g : int t = <fun>

let c = g |> MList.of_gen_lazy |> MList.to_clonable;;
val c : int clonable = <obj>

          c#next |> take 500 |> to_list;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; .....; 500]

let c' = c#clone ;;
val c' : int clonable = <obj>

           c |> to_list;;
- : int list = [501; 502; ....; 1000]

  c'#gen |> to_list;;   (* c consumed, but not c' *)
- : int list = [501; 502; ....; 1000]

  c#gen |> to_list;;
- : int list = []
  • since 0.2.3
type 'a gen = unit -> 'a option
type 'a iter = ('a -> unit) -> unit
type 'a clonable = < gen : 'a gen ; clone : 'a clonable >
type 'a t

An internal append-only storage of elements of type 'a, produced from a generator

val of_gen : 'a gen -> 'a t

of_gen g consumes g to build a mlist

val of_gen_lazy : ?max_chunk_size:int -> ?caching:bool -> 'a gen -> 'a t

of_gen_lazy g makes a mlist that will read from g as required, until g is exhausted. Do not use g directly after this, or some elements will be absent from the mlist!

  • parameter caching

    if true or absent, values are read from the generator by chunks of increasing size. If false, values are read one by one.

  • parameter max_chunk_size

    if provided and caching = true, sets the (maximal) size of the internal chunks

val to_gen : 'a t -> 'a gen

Iterate on the mlist. This function can be called many times without any problem, the mlist isn't consumable!

val to_seq : 'a t -> 'a Stdlib.Seq.t

Iterate on the mlist using the standard functional iterators.

  • since 1.0
val to_clonable : 'a t -> 'a clonable

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