package rdf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val ldp_c_BasicContainer : Iri.t

An LDPC that uses a predefined predicate to simply link to its contained resources.

val ldp_c_Container : Iri.t

A Linked Data Platform RDF Source (LDP-RS) that also conforms to additional patterns and conventions for managing membership. Readers should refer to the specification defining this ontology for the list of behaviors associated with it.

val ldp_c_DirectContainer : Iri.t

An LDPC that is similar to a LDP-DC but it allows an indirection with the ability to list as member a resource, such as a URI representing a real-world object, that is different from the resource that is created.

val ldp_c_IndirectContainer : Iri.t

An LDPC that has the flexibility of choosing what form the membership triples take.

val ldp_c_NonRDFSource : Iri.t

A Linked Data Platform Resource (LDPR) whose state is NOT represented as RDF.

val ldp_c_Page : Iri.t

URI signifying that the resource is an in-sequence page resource, as defined by LDP Paging. Typically used on Link rel='type' response headers.

val ldp_c_PageSortCriterion : Iri.t

Element in the list of sorting criteria used by the server to assign container members to pages.

val ldp_c_RDFSource : Iri.t

A Linked Data Platform Resource (LDPR) whose state is represented as RDF.

val ldp_c_Resource : Iri.t

A HTTP-addressable resource whose lifecycle is managed by a LDP server.

val ldp_constrainedBy : Iri.t

Links a resource with constraints that the server requires requests like creation and update to conform to.

val ldp_contains : Iri.t

Links a container with resources created through the container.

val ldp_hasMemberRelation : Iri.t

Indicates which predicate is used in membership triples, and that the membership triple pattern is < membership-constant-URI , object-of-hasMemberRelation, member-URI >.

val ldp_inbox : Iri.t

Links a resource to a container where notifications for the resource can be created and discovered.

val ldp_insertedContentRelation : Iri.t

Indicates which triple in a creation request should be used as the member-URI value in the membership triple added when the creation request is successful.

val ldp_isMemberOfRelation : Iri.t

Indicates which predicate is used in membership triples, and that the membership triple pattern is < member-URI , object-of-isMemberOfRelation, membership-constant-URI >.

val ldp_member : Iri.t

LDP servers should use this predicate as the membership predicate if there is no obvious predicate from an application vocabulary to use.

val ldp_membershipResource : Iri.t

Indicates the membership-constant-URI in a membership triple. Depending upon the membership triple pattern a container uses, as indicated by the presence of ldp:hasMemberRelation or ldp:isMemberOfRelation, the membership-constant-URI might occupy either the subject or object position in membership triples.

val ldp_pageSequence : Iri.t

Link to a page sequence resource, as defined by LDP Paging. Typically used to communicate the sorting criteria used to allocate LDPC members to pages.

val ldp_pageSortCollation : Iri.t

The collation used to order the members across pages in a page sequence when comparing strings.

val ldp_pageSortCriteria : Iri.t

Link to the list of sorting criteria used by the server in a representation. Typically used on Link response headers as an extension link relation URI in the rel= parameter.

val ldp_pageSortOrder : Iri.t

The ascending/descending/etc order used to order the members across pages in a page sequence.

val ldp_pageSortPredicate : Iri.t

Predicate used to specify the order of the members across a page sequence's in-sequence page resources; it asserts nothing about the order of members in the representation of a single page.


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