package ocamlgraph

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

DotAttributes extends CommonAttributes and implements ATTRIBUTES.

type graph = [
  1. | CommonAttributes.graph
  2. | `Bgcolor of color

    Sets the background color and the inital fill color.

  3. | `BgcolorWithTransparency of color_with_transparency

    Sets the background color and the inital fill color with a transparency component.

  4. | `Comment of string

    Comment string.

  5. | `Concentrate of bool

    If true, enables edge concentrators. Default value is false.

  6. | `Fontpath of string

    List of directories for fonts.

  7. | `Layers of string list

    List of layers.

  8. | `Margin of float

    Sets the page margin (included in the page size). Default value is 0.5.

  9. | `Mclimit of float

    Scale factor for mincross iterations. Default value is 1.0.

  10. | `Nodesep of float

    Sets the minimum separation between nodes, in inches. Default value is 0.25.

  11. | `Nslimit of int

    If set of f, bounds network simplex iterations by f * <number of nodes> when ranking nodes.

  12. | `Nslimit1 of int

    If set of f, bounds network simplex iterations by f * <number of nodes> when setting x-coordinates.

  13. | `Ranksep of float

    Sets the minimum separation between ranks.

  14. | `Quantum of float

    If not 0.0, node label dimensions will be rounded to integral multiples of it. Default value is 0.0.

  15. | `Rankdir of [ `TopToBottom | `BottomToTop | `LeftToRight | `RightToLeft ]

    Direction of rank ordering. Default value is `TopToBottom.

  16. | `Ratio of [ `Float of float | `Fill | `Compress | `Auto ]

    Sets the aspect ratio.

  17. | `Samplepoints of int

    Number of points used to represent ellipses and circles on output. Default value is 8.

  18. | `Url of string

    URL associated with graph (format-dependent).


Attributes of graphs. They include all common graph attributes and several specific ones. All attributes described in the "dot User's Manual, February 4, 2002" are handled, excepted: clusterank, color, compound, labeljust, labelloc, ordering, rank, remincross, rotate, searchsize and style.

type vertex = [
  1. | CommonAttributes.vertex
  2. | `Comment of string

    Comment string.

  3. | `Distortion of float
  4. | `Fillcolor of color

    Sets the fill color (used when `Style filled). Default value is lightgrey.

  5. | `FillcolorWithTransparency of color_with_transparency

    Sets the fill color (used when `Style filled) with a transparency component. Default value is fully opaque lightgrey.

  6. | `Fixedsize of bool

    If true, forces the given dimensions to be the actual ones. Default value is false.

  7. | `Layer of string


  8. | `Url of string

    The default url for image map files; in PostScript files, the base URL for all relative URLs, as recognized by Acrobat Distiller 3.0 and up.

  9. | `Z of float

    z coordinate for VRML output.


Attributes of nodes. They include all common node attributes and several specific ones. All attributes described in the "dot User's Manual, February 4, 2002" are handled, excepted: bottomlabel, group, shapefile and toplabel.

type edge = [
  1. | CommonAttributes.edge
  2. | `Arrowhead of arrow_style

    Sets the style of the head arrow. Default value is `Normal.

  3. | `Arrowsize of float

    Sets the scaling factor of arrowheads. Default value is 1.0.

  4. | `Arrowtail of arrow_style

    Sets the style of the tail arrow. Default value is `Normal.

  5. | `Comment of string

    Comment string.

  6. | `Constraint of bool

    If false, causes an edge to be ignored for rank assignment. Default value is true.

  7. | `Headlabel of string

    Sets the label attached to the head arrow.

  8. | `Headport of [ `N | `NE | `E | `SE | `S | `SW | `W | `NW ]
  9. | `Headurl of string

    Url attached to head label if output format is ismap.

  10. | `Labelangle of float

    Angle in degrees which head or tail label is rotated off edge. Default value is -25.0.

  11. | `Labeldistance of float

    Scaling factor for distance of head or tail label from node. Default value is 1.0.

  12. | `Labelfloat of bool

    If true, lessen constraints on edge label placement. Default value is false.

  13. | `Layer of string


  14. | `Minlen of int

    Minimum rank distance between head an tail. Default value is 1.

  15. | `Samehead of string

    Tag for head node; edge heads with the same tag are merged onto the same port.

  16. | `Sametail of string

    Tag for tail node; edge tails with the same tag are merged onto the same port.

  17. | `Taillabel of string

    Sets the label attached to the tail arrow.

  18. | `Tailport of [ `N | `NE | `E | `SE | `S | `SW | `W | `NW ]
  19. | `Tailurl of string

    Url attached to tail label if output format is ismap.

  20. | `Weight of int

    Sets the integer cost of stretching the edge. Default value is 1.


Attributes of edges. They include all common edge attributes and several specific ones. All attributes described in the "dot User's Manual, February 4, 2002" are handled, excepted: lhead and ltail.

type subgraph = {
  1. sg_name : string;
  2. sg_attributes : vertex list;
  3. sg_parent : string option;

Subgraphs have a name and some vertices.


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