package tezos-crypto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Timelock is a set of functions to handle time-locking a value and opening time-locked values.

A time-locked value can either be opened quickly by the locker itself (i.e., the one possessing the RSA secret), or slowly by anyone doing a fixed number of sequential operations.

In the interface of this module, this fixed number is consistently named time and is represented by an integer.

Once opened via the slow method a proof of opening can be produced to avoid having to do so again. This proof is verifiable in logarithmic time.

In order to time-lock an arbitrary sequence of bytes, we 1. encrypt the bytes with a symmetric key, and then 2. we time-lock the symmetric key itself.

This module implements a scheme inspired by: Time-lock puzzles and timed release - Rivest, Shamir, Wagner

!!! WARNING !!!


type symmetric_key

We will time-lock symmetric keys to then handle arbitrary bytes

type rsa_public

RSA public key to define a group in which we will work. The key is an integer n = p*q with p,q primes number. The group we work in is the set of inversible mod n.

type rsa_secret

RSA secret key of the from p,q. Indicates the cardinal of the group.

type timelock_proof

Proof that the opening of a value is the claimed value. It is concretely a member of the RSA group.

type locked_value

Locked value that can be quickly access with a secret or slowly-access with a number of sequential operations. It is concretely a member of the RSA group.

type unlocked_value

Member of the RSA group that we will lock. In our case it represents a symmetric key.

type ciphertext

A symmetric ciphertext and message authentication code, containing the bytes we want to protect

val gen_rsa_keys : unit -> rsa_public * rsa_secret

Generates random RSA keys of 2048 bits. The size works only if we use them for a small amount of time. !!! NEW KEYS SHOULD BE GENERATED FOR EACH LOCKING !!!

  • raises Failure

    if there is not enough entropy available.

val gen_locked_value : rsa_public -> locked_value

Generates almost uniformly an integer mod n. It is in the RSA group with overwhelming probability. We use this since we want to lock symmetric keys, not pre-determined messages.

  • raises Failure

    if there is not enough entropy available.

val unlocked_value_to_symmetric_key : unlocked_value -> symmetric_key

Hashes a number mod n to a symmetric key for authenticated encryption.

val locked_value_to_symmetric_key_with_secret : rsa_secret -> time:int -> locked_value -> symmetric_key

Unlock a value using RSA secret and hash the result to derive a symmetric key using unlocked_value_to_symmetric_key

val unlock_with_secret : rsa_secret -> time:int -> locked_value -> unlocked_value

Unlock a value using the RSA secret.

val unlock_and_prove_with_secret : rsa_secret -> time:int -> locked_value -> unlocked_value * timelock_proof

Unlock a value using the RSA secret. Also produces a proof certifying that the result is indeed what had been locked.

val unlock_and_prove_without_secret : rsa_public -> time:int -> locked_value -> unlocked_value * timelock_proof

Unlock a value the slow way, without the RSA secret. Also produces a proof certifying that the result is indeed what had been locked.

val prove_without_secret : rsa_public -> time:int -> locked_value -> unlocked_value -> timelock_proof
val prove_with_secret : rsa_secret -> time:int -> locked_value -> unlocked_value -> timelock_proof
val verify_timelock : rsa_public -> time:int -> locked_value -> unlocked_value -> timelock_proof -> bool

Verifies that locked_value indeed contains unlocked_value with parameters rsa_public and time:Z.t.

val locked_value_to_symmetric_key_with_proof : rsa_public -> time:int -> unlocked_value -> locked_value -> timelock_proof -> symmetric_key option

Receives a claim opening with a proof. If the proof is valid hashes the opening using unlocked_value_to_symmetric_key, returns None otherwise.

val encrypt : symmetric_key -> bytes -> ciphertext

encrypt using authenticated encryption, i.e. ciphertext contains a ciphertext and a message authentication code.

val decrypt : symmetric_key -> ciphertext -> bytes option

Checks the message authentication code. If correct decrypt the ciphertext, otherwise returns None.

val ciphertext_encoding : ciphertext Data_encoding.t
val proof_encoding : timelock_proof Data_encoding.t
type chest = {
  1. locked_value : locked_value;
  2. rsa_public : rsa_public;
  3. ciphertext : ciphertext;

Contains a value (the decryption of the ciphertext) that can be provably recovered in time sequential operation or with the rsa secret.

val chest_encoding : chest Data_encoding.t
type chest_key = {
  1. unlocked_value : unlocked_value;
  2. proof : timelock_proof;

Provably opens a chest in a short time.

val chest_key_encoding : chest_key Data_encoding.t

Result of the opening of a chest. The opening can fail in two ways which we distinguish to blame the right party. One can provide a false unlocked_value or unlocked_proof, in which case we return Bogus_opening and the provider of the chest key is at fault. Othewise, one can lock the wrong key or put garbage in the ciphertext in which case we return Bogus_cipher and the provider of the chest is at fault. Otherwise we return Correct payload where payload is the content that had originally been put in the chest.

type opening_result =
  1. | Correct of Stdlib.Bytes.t
  2. | Bogus_cipher
  3. | Bogus_opening
val open_chest : chest -> chest_key -> time:int -> opening_result

Takes a chest, chest key and time and tries to recover the underlying plaintext. See the documentation of opening_result.

val get_plaintext_size : chest -> int

Gives the size of the underlying plaintext in a chest in bytes. Used for gas accounting

val create_chest_and_chest_key : payload:Stdlib.Bytes.t -> time:int -> chest * chest_key

High level function which takes care of generating the locked value, the RSA parameters, and encrypt the payload. Also returns the chest key

val create_chest_key : chest -> time:int -> chest_key

High level function which unlock the value and create the time-lock proof.

val chest_sampler : rng_state:Stdlib.Random.State.t -> plaintext_size:int -> time:int -> chest * chest_key

----- !!!!! Do not use for wallets: the RNG is not safe !!!!---- Sampler for the gasbenchmarks. Takes an Ocaml RNG state as arg for reproducibility.


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