package lablgtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type menu_entry = [
  1. | `C of string * bool * (bool -> unit)
  2. | `I of string * (unit -> unit)
  3. | `M of string * menu_entry list
  4. | `R of (string * bool * (bool -> unit)) list
  5. | `S
val build_menu : -> entries:menu_entry list -> unit
val popup_menu : entries:menu_entry list -> button:int -> time:int32 -> unit
val question_box : ?parent:GWindow.window_skel -> title:string -> buttons:string list -> ?default:int -> ?icon:GObj.widget -> string -> int
val message_box : ?parent:GWindow.window_skel -> title:string -> ?icon:GObj.widget -> ?ok:string -> string -> unit
val input_string : ?parent:GWindow.window_skel -> title:string -> ?ok:string -> ?cancel:string -> ?text:string -> string -> string option
val input_text : ?parent:GWindow.window_skel -> title:string -> ?ok:string -> ?cancel:string -> ?text:string -> string -> string option
val select_file : title:string -> ?dir:string Pervasives.ref -> ?filename:string -> unit -> string option
type !'a tree = [
  1. | `L of 'a
  2. | `N of 'a * 'a tree list
class !'a tree_selection : tree:'a tree -> label:('a -> string) -> info:('a -> string) -> ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> object ... end
val tree_selection_dialog : ?parent:GWindow.window_skel -> tree:'a tree -> label:('a -> string) -> info:('a -> string) -> title:string -> ?ok:string -> ?cancel:string -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> 'a option
type key_combination = [ `A | `C | `S ] list * char
type !'a shortcut_specification = {
  1. name : string;
  2. keys : key_combination list;
  3. message : 'a;
val create_shortcuts : window:GWindow.window_skel -> shortcuts:'a shortcut_specification list -> callback:('a -> unit) -> unit
val autosize_clist : 'a GList.clist -> unit

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