package ocamlnet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Debug : sig ... end
val dlog0 : string -> unit
val dlogr0 : (unit -> string) -> unit
val dlog : string -> unit
val dlogr : (unit -> string) -> unit
class group_object : object ... end
type group = group_object
val nogroup : group
class wait_object : object ... end
type wait_id = wait_object
type operation =
  1. | Wait_in of Unix.file_descr
  2. | Wait_out of Unix.file_descr
  3. | Wait_oob of Unix.file_descr
  4. | Wait of wait_id
type event =
  1. | Input_arrived of group * Unix.file_descr
  2. | Output_readiness of group * Unix.file_descr
  3. | Out_of_band of group * Unix.file_descr
  4. | Timeout of group * operation
  5. | Signal
  6. | Extra of exn
  7. | Immediate of group * (unit -> unit)
type resource_prop = group * float * float Stdlib.ref
type event_system_t = < add_abort_action : group -> (group -> exn -> unit) -> unit ; add_close_action : group -> (Unix.file_descr * (Unix.file_descr -> unit)) -> unit ; add_event : event -> unit ; add_handler : group -> (event_system_t -> event Equeue.t -> event -> unit) -> unit ; add_resource : group -> (operation * float) -> unit ; add_weak_resource : group -> (operation * float) -> unit ; clear : group -> unit ; exists_resource : operation -> bool ; is_running : bool ; new_group : unit -> group ; new_wait_id : unit -> wait_id ; remove_resource : group -> operation -> unit ; run : unit -> unit ; when_blocking : (unit -> unit) -> unit >
class type event_system = object ... end
type handler = event_system_t -> event Equeue.t -> event -> unit
exception Abort of group * exn
val string_of_fd : Unix.file_descr -> string
val string_of_op : operation -> string
val string_of_event : event -> string
val fd_cmp : Unix.file_descr -> Unix.file_descr -> int
val is_op_eq : operation -> operation -> bool
val op_cmp : operation -> operation -> int
val op_hash : operation -> int
module OpSet : sig ... end
module OpTbl : sig ... end
val epsilon_int : < add_event : event -> 'a.. > -> group -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a
val epsilon : < add_event : event -> 'a.. > -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a
val once_int : bool -> event_system -> group -> float -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val once : event_system -> group -> float -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val weak_once : event_system -> group -> float -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

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