package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t =
  1. | Too_few_connections
  2. | Too_many_connections
  3. | Maintenance_started
  4. | Maintenance_ended
  5. | New_point of P2p_point.Id.t
  6. | New_peer of P2p_peer_id.t
  7. | Gc_points

    Garbage collection of known point table has been triggered.

  8. | Gc_peer_ids

    Garbage collection of known peer_ids table has been triggered.

  9. | Incoming_connection of P2p_point.Id.t

    We accept(2)-ed an incoming connection

  10. | Outgoing_connection of P2p_point.Id.t

    We connect(2)-ed to a remote endpoint

  11. | Authentication_failed of P2p_point.Id.t

    Remote point failed authentication

  12. | Accepting_request of P2p_point.Id.t * Id.t * P2p_peer_id.t

    We accepted a connection after authentifying the remote peer.

  13. | Rejecting_request of P2p_point.Id.t * Id.t * P2p_peer_id.t

    We rejected a connection after authentifying the remote peer.

  14. | Request_rejected of P2p_point.Id.t * (Id.t * P2p_peer_id.t) option

    The remote peer rejected our connection.

  15. | Connection_established of Id.t * P2p_peer_id.t

    We successfully established a authentified connection.

  16. | Bootstrap_received of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    A bootstrap message has been received.

  17. | Bootstrap_sent of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    A bootstrap message has been sent.

  18. | Advertise_received of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    An advertise message has been received.

  19. | Advertise_sent of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    An advertise message has been sent.

  20. | Swap_request_received of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    A swap request has been received.

  21. | Swap_ack_received of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    A swap ack has been received

  22. | Swap_request_sent of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    A swap request has been sent

  23. | Swap_ack_sent of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    A swap ack has been sent

  24. | Swap_request_ignored of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    A swap request has been ignored

  25. | Swap_success of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    A swap operation has succeeded

  26. | Swap_failure of {
    1. source : P2p_peer_id.t;

    A swap operation has failed

  27. | Disconnection of P2p_peer_id.t

    We decided to close the connection.

  28. | External_disconnection of P2p_peer_id.t

    The connection was closed for external reason.

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val encoding : t Data_encoding.t

Innovation. Community. Security.