package yaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Utility functions for yaml

The Util modules provides combinators and useful functions for manipulating yaml and OCaml values.

exception Value_error of string

An exception raised when the wrong type of yaml value is passed to a utility function.

val keys : value -> string list res

keys obj returns the keys of the object value or an error if the wrong type of value is given as an argument.

val keys_exn : value -> string list

keys_exn obj is the same as keys except it raises an exception.

val values : value -> value list res

values obj returns the values of the object value or an error if the wrong type of value is given as an argument.

val values_exn : value -> value list

values_exn obj is the same as values except it raises an exception.

val combine : value -> value -> value res

combine a b combines the key-value pairs of the two objects or returns an error if the wrong type of value is given as an argument.

val combine_exn : value -> value -> value

combines_exn a b is the same as combines except it raises an exception.

val find : string -> value -> value option res

find key obj returns the value associated with the key in the object, or None if nothing is found. An error is returned if the wrong type of value is given as an argument.

val find_exn : string -> value -> value option

find_exn s obj is the same as find except it raises an exception.

val map : (value -> value) -> value -> value res

map f arr applies f to every value in arr, an error is retured if the wrong type of value is given.

val map_exn : (value -> value) -> value -> value

map_exn f obj is the same as map except it raises an exception.

val filter : (value -> bool) -> value -> value res

filter f arr filters out values in arr using f, an error is retured if the wrong type of value is given.

val filter_exn : (value -> bool) -> value -> value

filter_exn p obj is the same as filter except it raises an exception.

val to_string : value -> string res

to_string v tries to convert v to a string if the underlying value is a string.

val to_string_exn : value -> string

to_string_exn v is the same as to_string except it raises an exception.

val to_bool : value -> bool res

to_bool v tries to convert v to a boolean if the underlying value is a boolean.

val to_bool_exn : value -> bool

to_bool_exn v is the same as to_bool except it raises an exception.

val to_float : value -> float res

to_float v tries to convert v to a float if the underlying value is a float.

val to_float_exn : value -> float

to_float_exn v is the same as to_float except it raises an exception.

val string : string -> value

Make a value from a string.

val bool : bool -> value

Make a value from a boolean.

val float : float -> value

Make a value from a float.

val list : ('a -> value) -> 'a list -> value

list f lst makes a value from a list and a function f to apply to every element.

val obj : (string * value) list -> value

Make a value from an association list.


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