package tezos-benchmark

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Transform multiplications by constants in a costlang expression to fixed point arithmetic. Allows to make cost functions protocol-compatible.

type cast_mode =
  1. | Ceil
  2. | Floor
  3. | Round

Modes of casting of float to int

type options = {
  1. precision : int;

    Number of bits to consider when decomposing the mantissa

  2. max_relative_error : float;

    Percentage of admissible relative error when casting floats to ints

  3. cast_mode : cast_mode;
  4. inverse_scaling : int;

    The constant prettification will consider 1/inverse_scaling digits to be not significant.

  5. resolution : int;

    Resolution of the grid using when prettifying constants.


Parameters for conversion to fixed point

val default_options : options
val options_encoding : options Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
module Apply (P : sig ... end) : Costlang.Transform

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