package arrayjit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Lazy = Utils.Lazy
module Nd = Ndarray
module Debug_runtime = Utils.Debug_runtime
type work =
  1. | Work of (module Minidebug_runtime.Debug_runtime) -> Base.unit -> Base.unit
val sexp_of_work : work -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val run : (module Minidebug_runtime.Debug_runtime) -> work -> Base.unit
type memory_type =
  1. | Constant

    The tensor node does not change after initialization.

  2. | Nonconstant

    One of: Changed_on_devices, Volatile.

  3. | Changed_on_devices

    The tensor node will only change on host via a to_host call.

  4. | Volatile

    The tensor node will only change on any device via a from_host or merge call.

val memory_type_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> memory_type
val sexp_of_memory_type : memory_type -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val compare_memory_type : memory_type -> memory_type ->
val equal_memory_type : memory_type -> memory_type -> Base.bool
type memory_mode =
  1. | Effectively_constant

    Either Hosted Constant, or a subset of Virtual.

  2. | Virtual

    The tensor node's computations are inlined on a per-scalar basis.

  3. | Never_virtual

    One of: Local, On_device, Hosted.

  4. | Local

    The full tensor node is cached for the duration of a computation but not persisted across calls to jitted functions. It is not available for merging across devices.

  5. | Device_only

    One of: Local, On_device.

  6. | On_device

    The tensor node is stored on the devices that compute with it and persisted across function calls. It is available for merging across devices (for devices that support merging / P2P), but not (directly) for visualization or storing to disk.

  7. | Materialized

    One of: On_device, Hosted.

  8. | Hosted of memory_type

    The tensor node is stored in a globally addressable memory, in addition to on devices where it is computed with (or as part of one of them, if "hosting on device", or only on the host and not on devices, for some backends). It is available for all operations, and visible to OCaml programs as an Ndarray (the optional array of t).

val memory_mode_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> memory_mode
val sexp_of_memory_mode : memory_mode -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val compare_memory_mode : memory_mode -> memory_mode ->
val equal_memory_mode : memory_mode -> memory_mode -> Base.bool
type t = {
  1. array : Nd.t Base.option Lazy.t;
  2. prec : Ops.prec;
  3. dims : Base.array Lazy.t;
  4. id :;
  5. label : Base.string Base.list;

    Display information. It is better if the last element of the list is the most narrow or alphanumeric, e.g. an identifier.

  6. mutable memory_mode : (memory_mode * Base.option;
  7. mutable backend_info : Base.Sexp.t;
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val name : t -> Base.String.t
val label : t -> Base.String.t
val compare : t -> t ->
val default_to_most_local : t -> -> unit
val is_hosted_force : ?specifically:memory_type -> t -> -> Base.bool
val is_materialized_force : t -> -> bool
val known_not_materialized : t -> bool
val known_constant : t -> bool
val known_non_virtual : t -> bool
val known_not_param : t -> bool
val mode_is_unspecified : t -> bool
val update_memory_mode : t -> memory_mode -> -> unit
include sig ... end
type comparator_witness
val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Base__Comparator.comparator
val equal : t -> t -> Base.bool
val hash : t -> Base__Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.hash_value
val hash_fold_t : Base__.Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.state -> t -> Base__.Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.state
val hash_t : t -> Base__Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.hash_value
val get_exn : t -> Nd.t
val has : t -> bool
val dims_to_string : ?with_axis_numbers:bool -> t -> Base.String.t
val ident_label : t -> Base.String.t option
val debug_name : id:Base.Int.t -> label:Base.String.t Base.List.t -> Base.String.t
val styled_ident : repeating_nograd_idents:(Base.String.t, 'a) Base.Hashtbl.t -> repeating_grad_idents:(Base.String.t, 'a) Base.Hashtbl.t -> [< `Heuristic_ocannl | `Name_and_label | `Name_only ] -> t -> Base.String.t
val header : t -> string
module Registry : sig ... end
val registry : Registry.t
val create : Ops.prec -> -> label:Base.string Base.list -> dims:Base__Int.t Base.Array.t Lazy.t -> Ops.init_op -> t
val print_accessible_headers : unit -> Base.unit
val log_accessible_headers : unit -> unit

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