package arrayjit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val close_log : fname:string -> start_lnum:int -> entry_id:int -> unit
val open_log : fname:string -> start_lnum:int -> start_colnum:int -> end_lnum:int -> end_colnum:int -> message:string -> entry_id:int -> unit
val open_log_no_source : message:string -> entry_id:int -> unit
val log_value_sexp : ?descr:string -> entry_id:int -> is_result:bool -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> unit
val log_value_pp : ?descr:string -> entry_id:int -> pp:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> is_result:bool -> 'a -> unit
val log_value_show : ?descr:string -> entry_id:int -> is_result:bool -> string -> unit
val log_value_printbox : entry_id:int -> PrintBox.t -> unit
val exceeds_max_nesting : unit -> bool
val exceeds_max_children : unit -> bool
val get_entry_id : unit -> int
val max_nesting_depth : int option Stdlib.ref
val max_num_children : int option Stdlib.ref
val global_prefix : string
val snapshot : unit -> unit

For PrintBox runtimes, outputs the current logging stack to the logging channel. If the logging channel supports that, an output following a snapshot will rewind the channel to the state prior to the snapshot. Does nothing for the Flushing runtimes.

val description : string

A description that should be sufficient to locate where the logs end up. If not configured explicitly, it will be some combination of: the global prefix, the file name or "stdout".


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