package biotk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type record = {
  1. chrom : string;
  2. chromStart : int;
  3. chromEnd : int;
  4. name : string;
  5. score : int;
  6. strand : [ `Plus | `Minus | `Not_relevant | `Unknown ];
  7. signalValue : float;
  8. pValue : float option;

    -log10 pval

  9. qValue : float option;

    -log10 qval

  10. peak : int option;
type item = [
  1. | `Comment of string
  2. | `Record of record
  3. | `Track of string
module Item : sig ... end
include Line_oriented.S with type item := item
val load : string -> item list
val fold : string -> init:'a -> f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a
val save : item list -> string -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.