package bonsai

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type !'custom mismatch_behavior = [
  1. | `Custom of 'custom
  2. | `Ignore
  3. | `Raise
  4. | `Warn
type (!'extra, !'new_model) on_action_mismatch = ('extra -> 'new_model) mismatch_behavior
type ('input, 'model, 'result) t = ('input, 'model, 'result) Bonsai.Make(Incr_dom.Incr)(Virtual_dom.Vdom.Event).t
val const : 'result -> ('a, 'b, 'result) t
val pure : f:('input -> 'result) -> ('input, 'a, 'result) t
val pure_from_model : f:('model -> 'result) -> ('a, 'model, 'result) t
val compose : ('i1, 'model, 'r1) t -> ('r1, 'model, 'r2) t -> ('i1, 'model, 'r2) t
module Infix : sig ... end
val return : 'a -> ('b, 'c, 'a) t
val map : ('d, 'e, 'a) t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> ('d, 'e, 'b) t
val both : ('d, 'e, 'a) t -> ('d, 'e, 'b) t -> ('d, 'e, 'a * 'b) t
val (<*>) : ('d, 'e, 'a -> 'b) t -> ('d, 'e, 'a) t -> ('d, 'e, 'b) t
val (<*) : ('d, 'e, 'a) t -> ('d, 'e, unit) t -> ('d, 'e, 'a) t
val (*>) : ('d, 'e, unit) t -> ('d, 'e, 'a) t -> ('d, 'e, 'a) t
val (>>|) : ('d, 'e, 'a) t -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('d, 'e, 'b) t
val apply : ('d, 'e, 'a -> 'b) t -> ('d, 'e, 'a) t -> ('d, 'e, 'b) t
val map2 : ('d, 'e, 'a) t -> ('d, 'e, 'b) t -> f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('d, 'e, 'c) t
val map3 : ('d, 'e, 'a) t -> ('d, 'e, 'b) t -> ('d, 'e, 'c) t -> f:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'result) -> ('d, 'e, 'result) t
val all : ('d, 'e, 'a) t list -> ('d, 'e, 'a list) t
val all_unit : ('d, 'e, unit) t list -> ('d, 'e, unit) t
module Applicative_infix : sig ... end
val map_input : ('i2, 'model, 'result) t -> f:('i1 -> 'i2) -> ('i1, 'model, 'result) t
module Open_on_rhs_intf : sig ... end
module Let_syntax : sig ... end
module type S = sig ... end
type (!'input, !'model, !'action, !'result) component_s = (module S with type Action.t = 'action and type Input.t = 'input and type Model.t = 'model and type Result.t = 'result)
module M (Component : S) : sig ... end
val of_module : ('input, 'model, 'action, 'result) component_s -> ('input, 'model, 'result) t
module Incremental : sig ... end
module Expert : sig ... end
module Project : sig ... end
module Map : sig ... end
module Option : sig ... end
module Either : sig ... end
module List_deprecated : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.