package bonsai

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Start handles the entire lifecycle of web-based Bonsai application.

Put another way, Start is like Core.Command for Bonsai_web apps.

module Handle : sig ... end

Start functions

val start_standalone : initial_input:'input -> initial_model:'model -> bind_to_element_with_id:string -> ('input, 'model, Virtual_dom.Vdom.Node.t) Bonsai.Make(Incr_dom.Incr)(Virtual_dom.Vdom.Event).t -> ('input, Core_kernel.Nothing.t, Core_kernel.Nothing.t) Handle.t

Start an application, receiving a handle that can't schedule any actions.

The outermost Bonsai.ts result type parameter should be a Vdom.Node.t, which will be bound to the DOM element with id bind_to_element_with_id.

val start : initial_input:'input -> initial_model:'model -> bind_to_element_with_id:string -> ('input * ('outgoing -> Virtual_dom.Vdom.Event.t), 'model, Virtual_dom.Vdom.Node.t * ('incoming -> Virtual_dom.Vdom.Event.t)) Bonsai.Make(Incr_dom.Incr)(Virtual_dom.Vdom.Event).t -> ('input, 'incoming, 'outgoing) Handle.t

Start an application, receiving a handle that can schedule actions of a user-defined type.

The outermost Bonsai.ts result type parameter should be pair of:

  • a Vdom.Node.t, which will be bound to the DOM element with id bind_to_element_with_id; and
  • an inject function that accepts external actions and returns Vdom.Event.ts.

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