package coq-core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type ltac_constant = Names.KerName.t
type direction_flag = bool
type lazy_flag =
  1. | General
  2. | Select
  3. | Once
type global_flag =
  1. | TacGlobal
  2. | TacLocal
type evars_flag = bool
type rec_flag = bool
type advanced_flag = bool
type letin_flag = bool
type clear_flag = bool option
type check_flag = bool
type ('c, 'd, 'id) inversion_strength =
  1. | NonDepInversion of Inv.inversion_kind * 'id list * 'd Tactypes.or_and_intro_pattern_expr CAst.t Locus.or_var option
  2. | DepInversion of Inv.inversion_kind * 'c option * 'd Tactypes.or_and_intro_pattern_expr CAst.t Locus.or_var option
  3. | InversionUsing of 'c * 'id list
type 'id message_token =
  1. | MsgString of string
  2. | MsgInt of int
  3. | MsgIdent of 'id
type ('constr, 'dconstr, 'id) induction_clause_list = ('dconstr, 'id) induction_clause list * 'constr Tactypes.with_bindings option
type 'a with_bindings_arg = clear_flag * 'a Tactypes.with_bindings
type 'a match_pattern =
  1. | Term of 'a
  2. | Subterm of Names.Id.t option * 'a
type 'a match_context_hyps =
  1. | Hyp of Names.lname * 'a match_pattern
  2. | Def of Names.lname * 'a match_pattern * 'a match_pattern
type ('a, 't) match_rule =
  1. | Pat of 'a match_context_hyps list * 'a match_pattern * 't
  2. | All of 't
type ml_tactic_name = {
  1. mltac_plugin : string;

    Name of the plugin where the tactic is defined, typically coming from a DECLARE PLUGIN statement in the source.

  2. mltac_tactic : string;

    Name of the tactic entry where the tactic is defined, typically found after the TACTIC EXTEND statement in the source.


Extension indentifiers for the TACTIC EXTEND mechanism.

type ml_tactic_entry = {
  1. mltac_name : ml_tactic_name;
  2. mltac_index : int;
type open_constr_expr = unit * Constrexpr.constr_expr

Composite types

type open_glob_constr = unit * Genintern.glob_constr_and_expr
type intro_pattern_naming = Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr CAst.t

Generic expressions for atomic tactics

type 'a gen_atomic_tactic_expr =
  1. | TacIntroPattern of evars_flag * 'dtrm Tactypes.intro_pattern_expr CAst.t list
  2. | TacApply of advanced_flag * evars_flag * 'trm with_bindings_arg list * ('nam * 'dtrm Tactypes.intro_pattern_expr CAst.t option) list
  3. | TacElim of evars_flag * 'trm with_bindings_arg * 'trm Tactypes.with_bindings option
  4. | TacCase of evars_flag * 'trm with_bindings_arg
  5. | TacMutualFix of Names.Id.t * int * (Names.Id.t * int * 'trm) list
  6. | TacMutualCofix of Names.Id.t * (Names.Id.t * 'trm) list
  7. | TacAssert of evars_flag * bool * 'tacexpr option option * 'dtrm Tactypes.intro_pattern_expr CAst.t option * 'trm
  8. | TacGeneralize of (('occvar Locus.occurrences_gen * 'trm) * Names.Name.t) list
  9. | TacLetTac of evars_flag * Names.Name.t * 'trm * 'nam Locus.clause_expr * letin_flag * Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr CAst.t option
  10. | TacInductionDestruct of rec_flag * evars_flag * ('trm, 'dtrm, 'nam) induction_clause_list
  11. | TacReduce of ('trm, 'cst, 'rpat, 'occvar) Genredexpr.red_expr_gen * 'nam Locus.clause_expr
  12. | TacChange of check_flag * 'rpat option * 'dtrm * 'nam Locus.clause_expr
  13. | TacRewrite of evars_flag * (bool * Equality.multi * 'dtrm with_bindings_arg) list * 'nam Locus.clause_expr * 'tacexpr option
  14. | TacInversion of ('trm, 'dtrm, 'nam) inversion_strength * Tactypes.quantified_hypothesis
constraint 'a = < term : 'trm ; dterm : 'dtrm ; pattern : 'pat ; red_pattern : 'rpat ; constant : 'cst ; reference : 'ref ; name : 'nam ; occvar : 'occvar ; tacexpr : 'tacexpr ; level : 'lev >

Possible arguments of a tactic definition

type 'a gen_tactic_arg =
  1. | TacGeneric of string option * 'lev Genarg.generic_argument
  2. | ConstrMayEval of ('trm, 'cst, 'rpat, 'occvar) Genredexpr.may_eval
  3. | Reference of 'ref
  4. | TacCall of ('ref * 'a gen_tactic_arg list) CAst.t
  5. | TacFreshId of string Locus.or_var list
  6. | Tacexp of 'tacexpr
  7. | TacPretype of 'trm
  8. | TacNumgoals
constraint 'a = < term : 'trm ; dterm : 'dtrm ; pattern : 'pat ; red_pattern : 'rpat ; constant : 'cst ; reference : 'ref ; name : 'nam ; occvar : 'occvar ; tacexpr : 'tacexpr ; level : 'lev >

Generic ltac expressions. 't : terms, 'p : patterns, 'c : constants, 'i : inductive, 'r : ltac refs, 'n : idents, 'l : levels

and 'a gen_tactic_expr_r =
  1. | TacAtom of 'a gen_atomic_tactic_expr
  2. | TacThen of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr
  3. | TacDispatch of 'a gen_tactic_expr list
  4. | TacExtendTac of 'a gen_tactic_expr array * 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr array
  5. | TacThens of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr list
  6. | TacThens3parts of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr array * 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr array
  7. | TacFirst of 'a gen_tactic_expr list
  8. | TacSolve of 'a gen_tactic_expr list
  9. | TacTry of 'a gen_tactic_expr
  10. | TacOr of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr
  11. | TacOnce of 'a gen_tactic_expr
  12. | TacExactlyOnce of 'a gen_tactic_expr
  13. | TacIfThenCatch of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr
  14. | TacOrelse of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr
  15. | TacDo of int Locus.or_var * 'a gen_tactic_expr
  16. | TacTimeout of int Locus.or_var * 'a gen_tactic_expr
  17. | TacTime of string option * 'a gen_tactic_expr
  18. | TacRepeat of 'a gen_tactic_expr
  19. | TacProgress of 'a gen_tactic_expr
  20. | TacAbstract of 'a gen_tactic_expr * Names.Id.t option
  21. | TacId of 'n message_token list
  22. | TacFail of global_flag * int Locus.or_var * 'n message_token list
  23. | TacLetIn of rec_flag * (Names.lname * 'a gen_tactic_arg) list * 'a gen_tactic_expr
  24. | TacMatch of lazy_flag * 'a gen_tactic_expr * ('p, 'a gen_tactic_expr) match_rule list
  25. | TacMatchGoal of lazy_flag * direction_flag * ('p, 'a gen_tactic_expr) match_rule list
  26. | TacFun of 'a gen_tactic_fun_ast
  27. | TacArg of 'a gen_tactic_arg
  28. | TacSelect of Goal_select.t * 'a gen_tactic_expr
  29. | TacML of ml_tactic_entry * 'a gen_tactic_arg list
  30. | TacAlias of Names.KerName.t * 'a gen_tactic_arg list
constraint 'a = < term : 't ; dterm : 'dtrm ; pattern : 'p ; red_pattern : 'rp ; constant : 'c ; reference : 'r ; name : 'n ; occvar : 'occvar ; tacexpr : 'tacexpr ; level : 'l >
and 'a gen_tactic_expr = 'a gen_tactic_expr_r CAst.t constraint 'a = < term : 't ; dterm : 'dtrm ; pattern : 'p ; red_pattern : 'rp ; constant : 'c ; reference : 'r ; name : 'n ; occvar : 'occvar ; tacexpr : 'tacexpr ; level : 'l >
and 'a gen_tactic_fun_ast = Names.Name.t list * 'a gen_tactic_expr constraint 'a = < term : 't ; dterm : 'dtrm ; pattern : 'p ; red_pattern : 'rp ; constant : 'c ; reference : 'r ; name : 'n ; occvar : 'occvar ; tacexpr : 'te ; level : 'l >

Globalized tactics

type g_nam = Names.lident
type g_occvar = int Locus.or_var
type g_dispatch = < term : g_trm ; dterm : g_trm ; pattern : g_pat ; red_pattern : g_trm ; constant : g_cst ; reference : g_ref ; name : g_nam ; occvar : g_occvar ; tacexpr : glob_tactic_expr ; level : Genarg.glevel >
and glob_tactic_expr = g_dispatch gen_tactic_expr
type glob_atomic_tactic_expr = g_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr
type glob_tactic_arg = g_dispatch gen_tactic_arg

Raw tactics

type r_ref = Libnames.qualid
type r_nam = Names.lident
type r_lev = Genarg.rlevel
type r_occvar = int Locus.or_var
type r_dispatch = < term : Genredexpr.r_trm ; dterm : Genredexpr.r_trm ; pattern : Genredexpr.r_pat ; red_pattern : Genredexpr.r_pat ; constant : Genredexpr.r_cst ; reference : r_ref ; name : r_nam ; occvar : r_occvar ; tacexpr : raw_tactic_expr ; level : Genarg.rlevel >
and raw_tactic_expr = r_dispatch gen_tactic_expr
type raw_atomic_tactic_expr = r_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr
type raw_tactic_arg = r_dispatch gen_tactic_arg

Interpreted tactics

type t_trm = EConstr.constr
type t_cst = Evaluable.t
type t_nam = Names.Id.t
type t_occvar = int
type t_dispatch = < term : t_trm ; dterm : g_trm ; pattern : t_pat ; red_pattern : t_pat ; constant : t_cst ; reference : t_ref ; name : t_nam ; occvar : t_occvar ; tacexpr : unit ; level : Genarg.tlevel >
type atomic_tactic_expr = t_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr



type ltac_call_kind =
  1. | LtacMLCall of glob_tactic_expr
  2. | LtacNotationCall of Names.KerName.t
  3. | LtacNameCall of ltac_constant
  4. | LtacAtomCall of glob_atomic_tactic_expr
  5. | LtacVarCall of Names.KerName.t option * Names.Id.t * glob_tactic_expr
  6. | LtacConstrInterp of Environ.env * Evd.evar_map * Glob_term.glob_constr * Ltac_pretype.ltac_var_map
type ltac_stack = ltac_call_kind Loc.located list
type ltac_trace = ltac_stack * Geninterp.Val.t Names.Id.Map.t list
type tacdef_body =
  1. | TacticDefinition of Names.lident * raw_tactic_expr
  2. | TacticRedefinition of Libnames.qualid * raw_tactic_expr

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