package coq-core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Interpretation of extended vernac phrases.

module Prog : sig ... end
module Proof : sig ... end
module OpaqueAccess : sig ... end
type ('prog, 'proof, 'opaque_access) state_gen = {
  1. prog : 'prog;
  2. proof : 'proof;
  3. opaque_access : 'opaque_access;
type no_state = (unit, unit, unit) state_gen
val no_state : no_state

Useful for patterns like { no_state with proof = newproof } when modifying a subset of the state.

val ignore_state : ((unit, unit) Prog.t, (unit, unit) Proof.t, unit OpaqueAccess.t) state_gen
type 'r typed_vernac_gen =
  1. | TypedVernac : {
    1. spec : (('inprog, 'outprog) Prog.t, ('inproof, 'outproof) Proof.t, 'inaccess OpaqueAccess.t) state_gen;
    2. run : ('inprog, 'inproof, 'inaccess) state_gen -> ('outprog, 'outproof, unit) state_gen * 'r;
    } -> 'r typed_vernac_gen
type typed_vernac = unit typed_vernac_gen
val typed_vernac_gen : (('inprog, 'outprog) Prog.t, ('inproof, 'outproof) Proof.t, 'inaccess OpaqueAccess.t) state_gen -> (('inprog, 'inproof, 'inaccess) state_gen -> ('outprog, 'outproof, unit) state_gen * 'r) -> 'r typed_vernac_gen
val map_typed_vernac : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a typed_vernac_gen -> 'b typed_vernac_gen
val typed_vernac : (('inprog, 'outprog) Prog.t, ('inproof, 'outproof) Proof.t, 'inaccess OpaqueAccess.t) state_gen -> (('inprog, 'inproof, 'inaccess) state_gen -> ('outprog, 'outproof, unit) state_gen) -> typed_vernac
type full_state = (Prog.stack, Vernacstate.LemmaStack.t option, unit) state_gen
val run : 'r typed_vernac_gen -> full_state -> full_state * 'r

Some convenient typed_vernac constructors. Used by coqpp.

val vtdefault : (unit -> unit) -> typed_vernac
val vtnoproof : (unit -> unit) -> typed_vernac
val vtcloseproof : (lemma:Declare.Proof.t -> pm:Declare.OblState.t -> Declare.OblState.t) -> typed_vernac
val vtopenproof : (unit -> Declare.Proof.t) -> typed_vernac
val vtmodifyproof : (pstate:Declare.Proof.t -> Declare.Proof.t) -> typed_vernac
val vtreadproofopt : (pstate:Declare.Proof.t option -> unit) -> typed_vernac
val vtreadproof : (pstate:Declare.Proof.t -> unit) -> typed_vernac
val vtreadprogram : (pm:Declare.OblState.t -> unit) -> typed_vernac
val vtmodifyprogram : (pm:Declare.OblState.t -> Declare.OblState.t) -> typed_vernac
val vtdeclareprogram : (pm:Declare.OblState.t -> Declare.Proof.t) -> typed_vernac
val vtopaqueaccess : (opaque_access:Global.indirect_accessor -> unit) -> typed_vernac

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