package dream-html

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

HTML tags. Most (standard tags) are constructed by passing a list of attributes and a list of children:

div [id "my-div"] [p [] [txt "Hello"]]

Some (void elements) are constructed only with a list of attributes:

input [required; type_ "email"; name "email-addr"]

Finally, a few (text elements) are constructed with a list of attributes and a single text child:

title [] "Document title"

script [] {|alert('Careful, this is not escaped :-)');|}
val null : node list -> node

A tag that will not be rendered in the markup. Useful for containing a bunch of child nodes inside a single node without having to litter the DOM with an actual node. Also may be called 'splicing'.

  [ p [] [txt "This paragraph."];
    p [] [txt "And this paragraph."];
    p []
      [txt "Are spliced directly into the document without a containing node."]
val a : std_tag
val address : std_tag
val area : void_tag
val abbr : std_tag
val article : std_tag
val aside : std_tag
val audio : std_tag
val b : std_tag
val base : void_tag
val bdi : std_tag
val bdo : std_tag
val blockquote : std_tag
val body : std_tag
val br : void_tag
val button : std_tag
val canvas : std_tag
val caption : std_tag
val cite : std_tag
val code : std_tag
val col : void_tag
val colgroup : std_tag
val data : std_tag
val datalist : std_tag
val dd : std_tag
val del : std_tag
val details : std_tag
val dfn : std_tag
val dialog : std_tag
val div : std_tag
val dl : std_tag
val dt : std_tag
val em : std_tag
val embed : void_tag
val fieldset : std_tag
val figcaption : std_tag
val figure : std_tag
val form : std_tag
val h1 : std_tag
val h2 : std_tag
val h3 : std_tag
val h4 : std_tag
val h5 : std_tag
val h6 : std_tag
val head : std_tag
val header : std_tag
val hgroup : std_tag
val hr : void_tag
val html : std_tag

A <!DOCTYPE html> declaration is automatically prefixed when this tag is printed.

val i : std_tag
val iframe : std_tag
val img : void_tag
val input : void_tag
val ins : std_tag
val kbd : std_tag
val label : std_tag
val legend : std_tag
val li : std_tag
val main : std_tag
val map : std_tag
val mark : std_tag
val menu : std_tag
val meta : void_tag
val meter : std_tag
val nav : std_tag
val noscript : std_tag
val object_ : std_tag
val ol : std_tag
val optgroup : std_tag
val option : _ text_tag
val output : std_tag
val p : std_tag
val picture : std_tag
val pre : std_tag
val progress : std_tag
val q : std_tag
val rp : std_tag
val rt : std_tag
val ruby : std_tag
val s : std_tag
val samp : std_tag
val script : _ text_tag

Note that the content of this tag is not escaped.

val section : std_tag
val select : std_tag
val slot : std_tag
val small : std_tag
val source : void_tag
val span : std_tag
val strong : std_tag
val style : _ text_tag

Note that the content of this tag is not escaped.

val sub : std_tag
val summary : std_tag
val sup : std_tag
val table : std_tag
val tbody : std_tag
val td : std_tag
val template : std_tag
val textarea : _ text_tag
val tfoot : std_tag
val th : std_tag
val thead : std_tag
val time : std_tag
val title : _ text_tag
val tr : std_tag
val track : void_tag
val u : std_tag
val ul : std_tag
val var : std_tag
val video : std_tag
val wbr : void_tag

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