package kappa-library

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Concrete graph implementation

type t
val empty : with_connected_components:bool -> t
val copy : t -> t

You'd better NOT use that on the state of a simulation

type stats = {
  1. nb_agents : int;
val stats : t -> stats
val add_agent : ?id:int -> Signature.s -> int -> t -> int * t

add_agent ?id sigs agent_type graph

val add_free : int -> int -> t -> t

add_free agent_id site graph

val add_internal : int -> int -> int -> t -> t

add_internal agent_id site internal_state graph

add_link ag1 s1 ag2 s2 t Some (i,j) as second returned element means cc j is now merged into cc i

val remove_agent : int -> t -> t
val remove_free : int -> int -> t -> t
val remove_internal : int -> int -> t -> int * t

Some (i,j) as second returned element means separate "new" cc j from cc i

val is_agent : Agent.t -> t -> bool

is_agent agent graph

val is_agent_id : int -> t -> bool

is_agent_id agent_id graph

val is_free : int -> int -> t -> bool

is_free agent_id site graph

val is_internal : int -> int -> int -> t -> bool

is_internal internal_state agent_id site graph

link_exists ag1_id site1 ag2_id site2 graph

val exists_fresh : int -> int -> int -> int -> t -> int option

exists_fresh ag1 site1 type_of_ag2 site2 graph

link_destination ag site graph

val get_internal : int -> int -> t -> int

get_internal ag site graph

val get_sites : int -> t -> int
val get_sort : int -> t -> int
val get_connected_component : int -> t -> int option
val in_same_connected_component : int -> int -> t -> bool
val iter_neighbors : (Agent.t -> unit) -> int -> t -> unit

iter_neighbors f ag graph calls function f on all direct neighbors of agent ag in graph.

val all_agents_where : (Agent.t -> bool) -> t -> Kappa_data_structures.IntCollection.t
type path = ((Agent.t * int) * (Agent.t * int)) list
val empty_path : path
val singleton_path : Agent.t -> int -> Agent.t -> int -> path
val rev_path : path -> path
val print_path : ?sigs:Signature.s -> Format.formatter -> path -> unit
val is_valid_path : path -> t -> bool
val are_connected : ?max_distance:int -> t -> Agent.t list -> Agent.t list -> path option

are_connected ?max_distance graph nodes_x nodes_y

val species : debug_mode:bool -> Signature.s -> int -> t -> User_graph.connected_component
val build_snapshot : raw:bool -> Signature.s -> t -> Snapshot.t
val build_user_snapshot : debug_mode:bool -> raw:bool -> Signature.s -> t -> (int * User_graph.connected_component) list
val debug_print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.