package kcas

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Multi-word compare-and-swap library


Dune Dependency






Published: 22 Feb 2023


API reference · (The API was redesigned in version 0.2.0. See API reference for version 0.1.8.)

kcas — Multi-word compare-and-swap library

kcas provides an implementation of atomic lock-free multi-word compare-and-swap (MCAS), which is a powerful tool for designing concurrent algorithms.

Features and properties:

  • Efficient: In the common uncontended case only k + 1 single-word CASes are required per k-CAS.

  • Lock-free: The underlying algorithm guarantees that at least one domain will be able to make progress.

  • Disjoint-access parallel: Unrelated operations progress independently, without interference, even if they occur at the same time.

  • Read-only compares: The algorithm supports obstruction-free read-only compare (CMP) operations that can be performed on overlapping locations in parallel without interference.

  • Composable: Independently developed transactions can be composed with ease.

kcas is published on opam and is distributed under the ISC license.


A quick tour

To use the library

# #require "kcas"
# open Kcas

one first creates shared memory locations:

# let a = Loc.make 0
  and b = Loc.make 0
  and x = Loc.make 0
val a : int Loc.t = <abstr>
val b : int Loc.t = <abstr>
val x : int Loc.t = <abstr>

One can then manipulate the locations individually:

# Loc.set a 6
- : unit = ()
# Loc.get a
- : int = 6

Attempt primitive operations over multiple locations:

# Op.atomically [
    Op.make_cas a 6 10;
    Op.make_cas b 0 52
- : bool = true

Perform transactions over them:

# Tx.(
    commit (
      let* a = get a
      and* b = get b in
      set x (b - a)
- : unit = ()

And get the answer:

# Loc.get x
- : int = 42


The API of kcas is divided into submodules. The main modules are

  • Loc, providing an abstraction of shared memory locations,

  • Op, providing an interface for primitive operations over multiple shared memory locations, and

  • Tx, providing composable transactions over shared memory locations.

The following sections discuss each of the above in turn.

Creating and manipulating individual shared memory locations

The Loc module is essentially compatible with the Stdlib Atomic module, except that a number of functions take an optional backoff as an argument.

In other words, an application that uses Atomic, but then needs to perform atomic operations over multiple atomic locations, could theoretically just rebind module Atomic = Loc and then use the Op and/or Tx APIs to perform operations over multiple locations. This should not be done just-in-case, however, as, even though kcas is efficient, it does naturally have higher overhead than the Stdlib Atomic.

Programming with primitive operations

The Op module is probably most suitable when using kcas as a means to design and implement new lock-free algorithms.

To program with primitive operations one simply makes a list of CAS operations using make_cas and then attempts them using atomically. Typically that needs to be done inside a loop of some kind as such an attempt can naturally fail.

Let's first make two locations representing stacks:

# let stack_a = Loc.make [19]
  and stack_b = Loc.make [76]
val stack_a : int list Loc.t = <abstr>
val stack_b : int list Loc.t = <abstr>

Here is a function that can atomically move an element from given source stack to the given target stack:

# let rec move ?(backoff = Backoff.default)
               target =
    match Loc.get source with
    | [] -> raise Exit
    | (elem::rest) as old_source ->
      let old_target = Loc.get target in
      let ops = [
        Op.make_cas source old_source rest;
        Op.make_cas target old_target (elem::old_target)
      ] in
      if not (Op.atomically ops) then
        let backoff = Backoff.once backoff in
        move ~backoff source target
val move : ?backoff:Backoff.t -> 'a list Loc.t -> 'a list Loc.t -> unit =

Note that we also used the Backoff module provided by kcas above.

Now we can simply call move:

# move stack_a stack_b
- : unit = ()
# Loc.get stack_a
- : int list = []
# Loc.get stack_b
- : int list = [19; 76]

As one can see, the API provided by Op is quite low-level and is not intended for application level programming.

Programming with transactions

The Tx module provides a higher-level API that is intended to be suitable for both designing and implementing new lock-free algorithms and as an application level programming interface for compositional use of such algorithms.

A transactional lock-free stack

As our first example of using transactions, let's implement a lock-free stack. A stack can be just a shared memory location that holds a list of elements:

# type 'a stack = 'a list Loc.t
type 'a stack = 'a list Loc.t

To create a stack we just make a new location with an empty list:

# let stack () : _ stack = Loc.make []
val stack : unit -> 'a stack = <fun>

To push an element to a stack we modify the stack to cons the element onto the list:

# let push stack element =
    Tx.modify stack @@ List.cons element
val push : 'a list Loc.t -> 'a -> unit Tx.t = <fun>

Popping an element from a stack is a little more complicated as we need to handle the case of an empty stack. Let's go with a basic approach where we first get the content of the stack, set it if necessary, and return an optional element.

# let try_pop stack = Tx.(
    let* content = get stack in
    match content with
    | [] -> return None
    | element :: rest ->
      let+ () = set stack rest in
      Some element
val try_pop : 'a list Loc.t -> 'a option Tx.t = <fun>

Above we used the let* and let+ binding operators to sequence primitive transactions. We could also implement try_pop more concisely using the infix operators >>= and >>.:

# let try_pop stack = Tx.(
    get stack >>= function
    | [] -> return None
    | element :: rest ->
      set stack rest >>.
      Some element
val try_pop : 'a list Loc.t -> 'a option Tx.t = <fun>

With a couple of useful list manipulation helper functions

# let hd_opt = function
    | [] -> None
    | element :: _ -> Some element
val hd_opt : 'a list -> 'a option = <fun>
# let tl_safe = function
    | [] -> []
    | _ :: rest -> rest
val tl_safe : 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>

an even more concise implementation is possible using update_as:

# let try_pop stack = Tx.update_as hd_opt stack tl_safe
val try_pop : 'a list Loc.t -> 'a option Tx.t = <fun>

Above, update_as is used as a shorthand to both compute the result and the new value for the stack contents.

If the stack already contained an empty list, [], all of the above variations of try_pop generate a read-only CMP operation in the obstruction_free mode. This means that multiple domains may run try_pop on an empty stack in parallel without interference. The variation using update_as also makes only a single access to the underlying transaction log and is likely to be the fastest variation.

So, to use a stack, we first need to create it and then we may commit transactions to push and try_pop elements:

# let a_stack : int stack = stack ()
val a_stack : int stack = <abstr>
# Tx.commit @@ push a_stack 101
- : unit = ()
# Tx.commit @@ try_pop a_stack
- : int option = Some 101
# Tx.commit @@ try_pop a_stack
- : int option = None

As an astute reader you may wonder why push and try_pop return transactions that we then need to separately commit to. We'll get to that soon!

A transactional lock-free queue

Let's then implement a lock-free queue. To keep things simple we just use the traditional two-stack queue data structure:

# type 'a queue = {
    front: 'a list Loc.t;
    back: 'a list Loc.t
type 'a queue = { front : 'a list Loc.t; back : 'a list Loc.t; }

To create a queue we make the two locations:

# let queue () = {
    front = Loc.make [];
    back = Loc.make []
val queue : unit -> 'a queue = <fun>

To enqueue we just modify the back of the queue and cons the element to the list:

# let enqueue queue element =
    Tx.modify queue.back @@ List.cons element
val enqueue : 'a queue -> 'a -> unit Tx.t = <fun>

Dequeue is again more complicated. First we examine the front of the queue. If there is an element, we update the front and return the element. If the front is empty, we examine the back of the queue in reverse. If there is an element we clear the back, move the rest of the elements to the front, and return the element. Otherwise we return None as the queue was empty.

# let try_dequeue queue = Tx.(
    update queue.front tl_safe >>= function
    | element :: _ -> return (Some element)
    | [] ->
      exchange_as List.rev queue.back [] >>= function
      | [] -> return None
      | element :: rest ->
        set queue.front rest >>.
        Some element
val try_dequeue : 'a queue -> 'a option Tx.t = <fun>

Above, update and exchange_as are used as convenient shorthands and to reduce the number of accesses to the transaction log. If both the front and back locations already contained an empty list, [], the above generates read-only CMP operations in the obstruction_free mode allowing multiple domains to run try_dequeue on an empty queue in parallel without interference. Additionally, if the back contained only one element, no write to the front is generated.

So, to use a queue, we first need to create it and then we may commit transactions to enqueue and try_dequeue elements:

# let a_queue : int queue = queue ()
val a_queue : int queue = {front = <abstr>; back = <abstr>}
# Tx.commit @@ enqueue a_queue 76
- : unit = ()
# Tx.commit @@ try_dequeue a_queue
- : int option = Some 76
# Tx.commit @@ try_dequeue a_queue
- : int option = None
Composing transactions

The main benefit of the Tx API over the Op API is that transactions are composable. In fact, we already used let* to compose primitive transactions when implementing transactional stacks and queues. Composition is not limited to primitive transactions.

For example, one can push multiple elements to a transactional stack atomically:

# Tx.(
    commit (
      push a_stack 3 >>
      push a_stack 1 >>
      push a_stack 4
- : unit = ()

Or transfer elements between different transactional data structures:

# Tx.(
    commit (
      try_pop a_stack >>= function
      | Some element ->
        enqueue a_queue element
      | None ->
        return ()
- : unit = ()

The ability to compose transactions allows algorithms and data-structures to be used for a wider variety of purposes.

About transactions

The transaction mechanism provided by kcas is quite intentionally designed to be very simple and efficient. This also means that it cannot provide certain features, because adding such features would either add significant dependencies or overheads to the otherwise simple and efficient implementation. In particular, the transactions provided by kcas do not directly provide blocking or the ability to wait for changes to shared memory locations before retrying a transaction. The way commit works is that it simply retries the transaction in case it failed. To avoid contention, a backoff mechanism is used, but otherwise commit will essentially perform a busy-wait, which should usually be avoided.



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To make a new release

  1. Update

  2. Run dune-release tag VERSION to create a tag for the new VERSION.

  3. Run dune-release to publish the new VERSION.

  4. Run ./update-gh-pages-for-tag VERSION to update the online documentation.

Dependencies (2)

  1. ocaml >= "5.0"
  2. dune >= "3.3"

Dev Dependencies (2)

  1. odoc with-doc
  2. mdx >= "1.10.0" & with-test

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