package merlin-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val longident : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Ocaml_parsing.Longident.t -> unit
val ident : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Ident.t -> unit
val namespaced_ident : Shape.Sig_component_kind.t -> Ident.t -> string
val tree_of_path : Path.t -> Outcometree.out_ident
val path : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Path.t -> unit
val string_of_path : Path.t -> string
val type_path : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Path.t -> unit

Print a type path taking account of -short-paths. Calls should be within wrap_printing_env.

module Out_name : sig ... end
type namespace := Shape.Sig_component_kind.t option
val strings_of_paths : namespace -> Path.t list -> string list

Print a list of paths, using the same naming context to avoid name collisions

val raw_type_expr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit
val string_of_label : Ocaml_parsing.Asttypes.arg_label -> string
val wrap_printing_env : ?error:bool -> Env.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val shorten_type_path : Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
val shorten_module_type_path : Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
val shorten_module_path : Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
val shorten_class_type_path : Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
module Naming_context : sig ... end
module Conflicts : sig ... end

The Conflicts module keeps track of conflicts arising when attributing names to identifiers and provides functions that can print explanations for these conflict in error messages

val reset : unit -> unit
val type_expr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit

Print out a type. This will pick names for type variables, and will not reuse names for common type variables shared across multiple type expressions. (It will also reset the printing state, which matters for other type formatters such as prepared_type_expr.) If you want multiple types to use common names for type variables, see prepare_for_printing and prepared_type_expr.

val prepare_for_printing : Types.type_expr list -> unit

prepare_for_printing resets the global printing environment, a la reset, and prepares the types for printing by reserving names and marking loops. Any type variables that are shared between multiple types in the input list will be given the same name when printed with prepared_type_expr.

val add_type_to_preparation : Types.type_expr -> unit

add_type_to_preparation ty extend a previous type expression preparation to the type expression ty

val prepared_type_expr : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit

The function prepared_type_expr is a less-safe but more-flexible version of type_expr that should only be called on type_exprs that have been passed to prepare_for_printing. Unlike type_expr, this function does no extra work before printing a type; in particular, this means that any loops in the type expression may cause a stack overflow (see #8860) since this function does not mark any loops. The benefit of this is that if multiple type expressions are prepared simultaneously and then printed with prepared_type_expr, they will use the same names for the same type variables.

val constructor_arguments : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.constructor_arguments -> unit
val tree_of_type_scheme : Types.type_expr -> Outcometree.out_type
val type_scheme : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit
val prepared_type_scheme : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit
val shared_type_scheme : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit

shared_type_scheme is very similar to type_scheme, but does not reset the printing context first. This is intended to be used in cases where the printing should have a particularly wide context, such as documentation generators; most use cases, such as error messages, have narrower contexts for which type_scheme is better suited.

val tree_of_value_description : Ident.t -> Types.value_description -> Outcometree.out_sig_item
val value_description : Ident.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.value_description -> unit
val label : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.label_declaration -> unit
val add_constructor_to_preparation : Types.constructor_declaration -> unit
val prepared_constructor : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.constructor_declaration -> unit
val constructor : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.constructor_declaration -> unit
val add_type_declaration_to_preparation : Ident.t -> Types.type_declaration -> unit
val prepared_type_declaration : Ident.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.type_declaration -> unit
val type_declaration : Ident.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.type_declaration -> unit
val add_extension_constructor_to_preparation : Types.extension_constructor -> unit
val prepared_extension_constructor : Ident.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.extension_constructor -> unit
val extension_constructor : Ident.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.extension_constructor -> unit
val extension_only_constructor : Ident.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.extension_constructor -> unit
val tree_of_module : Ident.t -> ?ellipsis:bool -> Types.module_type -> Types.rec_status -> Outcometree.out_sig_item
val modtype : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.module_type -> unit
val signature : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.signature -> unit
val tree_of_modtype_declaration : Ident.t -> Types.modtype_declaration -> Outcometree.out_sig_item
val functor_parameters : sep:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) -> ('b -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Ident.t option * 'b) list -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit

Print a list of functor parameters while adjusting the printing environment for each functor argument.

Currently, we are disabling disambiguation for functor argument name to avoid the need to track the moving association between identifiers and syntactic names in situation like:

got: (X: sig module type T end) (Y:X.T) (X:sig module type T end) (Z:X.T) expect: (_: sig end) (Y:X.T) (_:sig end) (Z:X.T)

type type_or_scheme =
  1. | Type
  2. | Type_scheme
val tree_of_signature : Types.signature -> Outcometree.out_sig_item list
val modtype_declaration : Ident.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.modtype_declaration -> unit
val class_type : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.class_type -> unit
val class_declaration : Ident.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.class_declaration -> unit
val cltype_declaration : Ident.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.class_type_declaration -> unit
val type_expansion : type_or_scheme -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Errortrace.expanded_type -> unit
val report_ambiguous_type_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Env.t -> (Path.t * Path.t) -> (Path.t * Path.t) list -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
val report_unification_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Env.t -> Errortrace.unification_error -> ?type_expected_explanation:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
val report_equality_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> type_or_scheme -> Env.t -> Errortrace.equality_error -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
val report_moregen_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> type_or_scheme -> Env.t -> Errortrace.moregen_error -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
val report_comparison_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> type_or_scheme -> Env.t -> Errortrace.comparison_error -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
module Subtype : sig ... end
val print_items : (Env.t -> Types.signature_item -> 'a option) -> Env.t -> Types.signature_item list -> (Outcometree.out_sig_item * 'a option) list
val rewrite_double_underscore_paths : Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
val printed_signature : string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Types.signature -> unit

printed_signature sourcefile ppf sg print the signature sg of sourcefile with potential warnings for name collisions


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