package merlin-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Compl : sig ... end
type completions = Compl.t
type 'a type_search_result = {
  1. name : string;
  2. typ : 'a;
  3. loc : Ocaml_parsing.Location_aux.t;
  4. doc : string option;
  5. cost : int;
  6. constructible : string;
type outline = item list
and item = {
  1. outline_name : string;
  2. outline_kind : [ `Value | `Constructor | `Label | `Module | `Modtype | `Type | `Exn | `Class | `Method ];
  3. outline_type : string option;
  4. deprecated : bool;
  5. location : Ocaml_parsing.Location_aux.t;
  6. children : outline;
type shape = {
  1. shape_loc : Ocaml_parsing.Location_aux.t;
  2. shape_sub : shape list;
type error_filter = {
  1. lexing : bool;
  2. parsing : bool;
  3. typing : bool;
type syntax_doc_result = {
  1. name : string;
  2. description : string;
  3. documentation : string;
type ppxed_source = {
  1. code : string;
  2. attr_start : Stdlib.Lexing.position;
  3. attr_end : Stdlib.Lexing.position;
type signature_help_param = {
  1. label_start : int;
  2. label_end : int;
type signature_help_result = {
  1. label : string;
  2. parameters : signature_help_param list;
  3. active_param : int;
  4. active_signature : int;
type trigger_kind =
  1. | Invoked
  2. | Trigger_character of string
  3. | Content_change
type signature_help = {
  1. position : Merlin_kernel.Msource.position;
  2. trigger_kind : trigger_kind option;
  3. is_retrigger : bool;
  4. active_signature_help : signature_help_result option;
type is_tail_position = [
  1. | `No
  2. | `Tail_position
  3. | `Tail_call
type _ _bool = bool
type occurrences_status = [
  1. | `Not_requested
  2. | `Out_of_sync of string list
  3. | `No_def
  4. | `Included
type _ t =
  1. | Type_expr : string * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> string t
  2. | Type_enclosing : (string * int) option * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position * int option -> (Ocaml_parsing.Location.t * [ `String of string | `Index of int ] * is_tail_position) list t
  3. | Enclosing : Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> Ocaml_parsing.Location.t list t
  4. | Complete_prefix : string * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position * Compl.kind list * [ `with_documentation ] _bool * [ `with_types ] _bool -> completions t
  5. | Expand_prefix : string * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position * Compl.kind list * [ `with_types ] _bool -> completions t
  6. | Refactor_open : [ `Qualify | `Unqualify ] * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> (string * Ocaml_parsing.Location.t) list t
  7. | Document : string option * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> [ `Found of string | `Invalid_context | `Builtin of string | `Not_in_env of string | `File_not_found of string | `Not_found of string * string option | `No_documentation ] t
  8. | Syntax_document : Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> [ `Found of syntax_doc_result | `No_documentation ] t
  9. | Expand_ppx : Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> [ `Found of ppxed_source | `No_ppx ] t
  10. | Locate_type : Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> [ `Found of string option * Stdlib.Lexing.position | `Invalid_context | `Builtin of string | `Not_in_env of string | `File_not_found of string | `Not_found of string * string option | `At_origin ] t
  11. | Locate : string option * [ `ML | `MLI ] * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> [ `Found of string option * Stdlib.Lexing.position | `Invalid_context | `Builtin of string | `Not_in_env of string | `File_not_found of string | `Not_found of string * string option | `At_origin ] t
  12. | Jump : string * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> [ `Found of Stdlib.Lexing.position | `Error of string ] t
  13. | Phrase : [ `Next | `Prev ] * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> Stdlib.Lexing.position t
  14. | Case_analysis : Merlin_kernel.Msource.position * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> (Ocaml_parsing.Location.t * string) t
  15. | Holes : (Ocaml_parsing.Location.t * string) list t
  16. | Construct : Merlin_kernel.Msource.position * [ `None | `Local ] option * int option -> (Ocaml_parsing.Location.t * string list) t
  17. | Inlay_hints : Merlin_kernel.Msource.position * Merlin_kernel.Msource.position * bool * bool * bool -> (Stdlib.Lexing.position * string) list t
  18. | Outline : outline t
  19. | Shape : Merlin_kernel.Msource.position -> shape list t
  20. | Errors : error_filter -> Ocaml_parsing.Location.error list t
  21. | Dump : Merlin_utils.Std.json list -> Merlin_utils.Std.json t
  22. | Path_of_source : string list -> string t
  23. | List_modules : string list -> string list t
  24. | Findlib_list : string list t
  25. | Extension_list : [ `All | `Enabled | `Disabled ] -> string list t
  26. | Path_list : [ `Build | `Source ] -> string list t
  27. | Occurrences : [ `Ident_at of Merlin_kernel.Msource.position ] * [ `Project | `Buffer ] -> (Ocaml_parsing.Location.t list * occurrences_status) t
  28. | Signature_help : signature_help -> signature_help_result option t

    In current version, Merlin only uses the parameter position to answer signature_help queries. The additionnal parameters are described in the LSP protocol and might enable finer behaviour in the future.

  29. | Version : string t

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