package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Print - structured pretty-printing

type symbols = {
  1. sopen : string;
  2. ssep : string;
  3. sbind : string;
  4. sclose : string;

Symbols for printing maps, lists and sets

type ('k, 'v) map = ('k, 'v) Mopsa_utils.MapExtPoly.t

Structured print objects

type 'v set = 'v Mopsa_utils.SetExtPoly.t
type print_object =
  1. | Empty
  2. | Bool of bool
  3. | Int of Z.t
  4. | Float of float
  5. | String of string
  6. | Var of Ast.Var.var
  7. | Map of (print_object, print_object) map * symbols
  8. | List of print_object list * symbols
  9. | Set of print_object set * symbols


type printer

Printers encapsulate the structured objects to print along the history of printed expression

val empty_printer : unit -> printer

Create an empty printer

val get_printed_object : printer -> print_object

Get the structured print object of a printer

val get_printed_exprs : printer -> Ast.Expr.expr list

Get the expressions that were already printed

val add_printed_expr : printer -> Ast.Expr.expr -> unit

Mark an expression as printed

val mem_printed_expr : printer -> Ast.Expr.expr -> bool

Check whether an expression was already printed

type print_selector =
  1. | Key of string
  2. | Index of int
  3. | Obj of print_object

Selectors of print objects

type print_path = print_selector list

Path of a print object

val find_print_object : print_path -> print_object -> print_object

find_print_object path obj returns the object placed at path in obj

val match_print_object_keys : Str.regexp -> print_object -> print_object

match_print_object_keys re obj slices obj to paths containing keys that match re

Generic print functions

val pprint : ?path:print_path -> printer -> print_object -> unit

pprint ~path:p printer o prints object o at path p in printer.

val pbox : (printer -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> print_object

pbox f x returns a boxed object created by f when applied to x. It is equivalent to

let printer = empty_printer () in
f printer x;
get_printed_object printer
val fbox : ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, print_object) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

fbox fmt returns a string object of a formatted value

val sprint : (printer -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string

sprint f x returns the string representing the boxed object pbox f x

val fkey : ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, print_selector) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

fkey fmt returns a key selector with a formatted string

val pkey : (printer -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> print_selector

pkey f x returns a key selector with a printed string

Typed print functions

val pp_string : ?path:print_path -> printer -> string -> unit

Print a string object

val pp_bool : ?path:print_path -> printer -> bool -> unit

Print a boolean object

val pp_int : ?path:print_path -> printer -> int -> unit

Print an integer object

val pp_z : ?path:print_path -> printer -> Z.t -> unit

Print an integer object

val pp_float : ?path:print_path -> printer -> float -> unit

Print a float object

val pp_variable : ?path:print_path -> printer -> Ast.Var.var -> unit

Print a variable

val pp_list : ?path:print_path -> ?lopen:string -> ?lsep:string -> ?lclose:string -> (printer -> 'a -> unit) -> printer -> 'a list -> unit

pp_list ~path:p f printer l prints a list l at path p by boxing f on every element of l

val pp_obj_list : ?path:print_path -> ?lopen:string -> ?lsep:string -> ?lclose:string -> printer -> print_object list -> unit

pp_obj_list ~path:p printer l prints a list of objects at path p. Useful for printing heterogenous lists.

val pp_map : ?path:print_path -> ?mopen:string -> ?msep:string -> ?mclose:string -> ?mbind:string -> (printer -> 'k -> unit) -> (printer -> 'v -> unit) -> printer -> ('k * 'v) list -> unit

pp_smap ~path:p fk fv printer l prints a map from a list l of pairs of keys and values. Keys are boxed with function fk and values with function fv.

val pp_mapi : ?path:print_path -> ?mopen:string -> ?msep:string -> ?mclose:string -> ?mbind:string -> (printer -> 'k -> unit) -> (printer -> ('k * 'v) -> unit) -> printer -> ('k * 'v) list -> unit
val pp_obj_map : ?path:print_path -> ?mopen:string -> ?msep:string -> ?mclose:string -> ?mbind:string -> printer -> (print_object * print_object) list -> unit

pp_obj_smap ~path:p printer l prints a map from a list of pairs of print objects

val pp_obj_set : ?path:print_path -> ?sopen:string -> ?ssep:string -> ?sclose:string -> printer -> print_object set -> unit

pp_obj_set ~path:p printer l prints a set of objects at path p. Useful for printing heterogenous sets.

val pp_set : ?path:print_path -> ?sopen:string -> ?ssep:string -> ?sclose:string -> (printer -> 'a -> unit) -> printer -> 'a set -> unit

pp_set ~path:p f printer l prints a set from a list l at path p by boxing f on every element of l


val pp_print_object : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> print_object -> unit

Pretty-print a printer objct

val pflush : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> printer -> unit

Pretty-print the printer output in a format string

val format : (printer -> 'a -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit

Convert a printer function into a format function

val unformat : ?path:print_path -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> printer -> 'a -> unit

Convert a format function into a printer


val print_object_to_json : print_object -> Yojson.Basic.t

Convert a printer object to JSON

val json_to_print_object : Yojson.Basic.t -> print_object

Convert JSON to a printer object


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