package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Display the results of the analysis in a textual form.

val opt_show_callstacks : bool Stdlib.ref

Command-line option to enable display of alarms call stacks

val opt_tw : int Stdlib.ref

Command-line option to specify the number of spaces to use for printing tabs

val compile_tab_columns : int -> string -> Mopsa_utils.Location.pos -> int
val replace_tabs : int -> string -> string
module AlarmKindSet : sig ... end
val color_of_diag : Core.All.diagnostic_kind -> int
val icon_of_diag : Core.All.diagnostic_kind -> string
val highlight_range : int -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> unit

Highlight source code at a given location range

val pp_diagnostic : string option -> int -> 'a Core.All.diagnostic_ -> Core.All.CallstackSet.t -> Core.All.alarm_kind list -> unit
val incr_check_diag : int -> Core.All.CheckMap.key -> Core.All.diagnostic_kind -> (int * int * int) Core.All.CheckMap.t -> (int * int * int) Core.All.CheckMap.t
val construct_checks_summary : ?print:bool -> -> string option -> int * int * int * int * (int * int * int) Core.All.CheckMap.t
val print_checks_summary : (int * int * int) Core.All.CheckMap.t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> string option -> unit
val report : ('a, 'b) -> 'a Core.All.Flow.flow -> time:float -> files:'c -> out:string option -> unit
val panic : exn -> btrace:string -> time:'a -> files:'b -> out:string option -> unit
val group_args_by_category : Mopsa_utils.ArgExt.arg list -> (string * Mopsa_utils.ArgExt.arg list) list
val help : Mopsa_utils.ArgExt.arg list -> out:string option -> unit
val list_domains : string list -> out:string option -> unit
val list_checks : Core.Alarm.check list -> out:string option -> unit
val list_hooks : string list -> out:string option -> unit
val print : Core.All.printer -> range:Mopsa_utils.Location.range -> out:string option -> unit

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