package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Routes to select sub-trees of the abstraction when interpreting commands

type domain = string
type route =
  1. | Below of domain

    Sub-tree below a domain

  2. | Semantic of Ast.Semantic.semantic

    Sub-tree identified by a semantic



val compare_route : route -> route -> int

Set of domains

Compare two routes

val pp_route : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> route -> unit

Print a route

val toplevel : route

Toplevel tree

type routing_table

Routing table providing the domains that are part of a route

val empty_routing_table : routing_table

Empty routing table

val resolve_route : route -> routing_table -> DomainSet.t

Resolve a route into domains

val add_route : route -> domain -> routing_table -> routing_table

Add a route between a route and a domain

val add_routes : route -> DomainSet.t -> routing_table -> routing_table

Add a set of routing_table linking a route and a set of domains

val get_routes : routing_table -> route list

Get all routing_table in a routing table

val join_routing_table : routing_table -> routing_table -> routing_table

Join two routing_table table

val pp_routing_table : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> routing_table -> unit

Print a routing table


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