package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Common constructs for numeric abstractions.

Integer intervals


type int_itv = I.t_with_bot

Integer intervals

type Mopsa.avalue_kind +=
  1. | V_int_interval : int_itv Mopsa.avalue_kind

    Query to evaluate the integer interval of an expression

type Mopsa.avalue_kind +=
  1. | V_int_interval_fast : int_itv Mopsa.avalue_kind

    Same as V_int_interval but should be handled by optimized domains, such Boxes

val mk_int_interval_query : ?fast:bool -> Ast.Expr.expr -> ('a, int_itv) Core.Query.query
val pp_int_interval : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> I.t Utils_core.Bot.with_bot -> unit
val compare_int_interval : I.t Utils_core.Bot.with_bot -> I.t Utils_core.Bot.with_bot -> int

Integer intervals with congruence


type int_congr_itv = int_itv * C.t_with_bot

Integer step intervals

type Mopsa.avalue_kind +=
  1. | V_int_congr_interval : int_congr_itv Mopsa.avalue_kind

Query to evaluate the integer interval of an expression

val mk_int_congr_interval_query : Ast.Expr.expr -> ('a, int_congr_itv) Core.Query.query

Rounding mode of floats


val opt_float_rounding : Apron.Texpr1.round Stdlib.ref
val rounding_option_name : string

Float intervals


type float_itv = F.t

Float intervals

type Mopsa.avalue_kind +=
  1. | V_float_interval : Lang.Ast.float_prec -> float_itv Mopsa.avalue_kind

    Query to evaluate the float interval of an expression, with infinities and NaN

  2. | V_float_maybenan : Lang.Ast.float_prec -> bool Mopsa.avalue_kind
val mk_float_interval_query : ?prec:Lang.Ast.float_prec -> Ast.Expr.expr -> ('a, float_itv) Core.Query.query
val mk_float_maybenan_query : ?prec:Lang.Ast.float_prec -> Ast.Expr.expr -> ('a, bool) Core.Query.query
val pp_float_interval : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> F.t -> unit
val compare_float_interval : F.t -> F.t -> int

Fast assume on numeric conditions


val interval_of_num_expr : Mopsa.expr -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Core.Flow.flow -> int_itv

Get the intervals of a numeric expression

val eval_num_cond : Ast.Expr.expr -> ('a, 'b) -> 'a Core.Flow.flow -> bool option

Evaluate a numeric condition using intervals

val assume_num : Ast.Expr.expr -> fthen:('a Core.Flow.flow -> ('a, 'b) Core.Cases.cases) -> felse:('a Core.Flow.flow -> ('a, 'b) Core.Cases.cases) -> ?route:Mopsa.route -> ('a, 'c) -> 'a Core.Flow.flow -> ('a, 'b) Mopsa.Cases.cases

Optimized assume function that uses intervals to check a condition or falls back to classic assume

Widening thresholds


module K : sig ... end
val widening_thresholds_ctx_key : ('a, Mopsa.SetExt.ZSet.t) Core__Context.ctx_key

Key for accessing widening thresholds

val add_widening_threshold : Core.All.var -> Mopsa.SetExt.ZSet.elt -> 'a Core.All.ctx -> 'a Core.All.ctx

Add a constant to the widening thresholds of a variable

val remove_widening_thresholds : Core.All.var -> 'a Core.All.ctx -> 'a Core.All.ctx

Remove all widening thresholds of a variable


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