package ocsigenserver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Deflatemod: compress output data

If you want to use this extension with Ocsigen Server's configuration file,

  1. have a look at the <<a_manual chapter="deflatemod"|manual page>>.
  2. If you are using Ocsigen Server as a library, use the interface described
  3. here. Each of these functions behaves exactly as its configuration file counterpart.

This module belongs to ocamlfind package ocsigenserver.ext.deflatemod.

Example of use:

let _ =
     [ ~regexp:".*"
       [ ~dir:"static" () 
           ~mode:(`Only [ `Type (Some "text", Some "html")
                        ; `Type (Some "text", Some "javascript")
                        ; `Type (Some "text", Some "css")
                        ; `Type (Some "application", Some "javascript")
                        ; `Type (Some "application", Some "x-javascript")
                        ; `Type (Some "application", Some "xhtml+xml")
                        ; `Type (Some "image", Some "svg+xml")
                        ; `Type (Some "application", Some "x-eliom")]) ()
val set_compress_level : int -> unit
val set_buffer_size : int -> unit
type filter = [
  1. | `Type of string option * string option
  2. | `Extension of string

Describes the content to deflate, either using its content type, or file extension

val run : mode:[ `All_but of filter list | `Only of filter list ] -> unit -> Ocsigen_server.instruction

run ~mode () makes it possible to use this extension without configuration file.

val section : Lwt_log_core.section

Use Lwt_log.Section.set_level in order to change the log level


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