package ocsigenserver

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Staticmod: serve static files

If you want to use this extension with Ocsigen Server's configuration file, have a look at the <<a_manual chapter="staticmod"|manual page>>. If you are using Ocsigen Server as a library, use the interface described here.

This module belongs to ocamlfind package ocsigenserver.ext.staticmod.

Example of use:

let _ =
     [ ~regexp:".*" [ ~dir:"static" () ]]
val run : ?dir:string -> ?regexp:string -> ?dest:string -> ?code:string -> ?cache:int -> ?root:string -> unit -> Ocsigen_server.instruction

Run static mod on a specific directory. Call this if you want to run Ocsigen Server without configuration file. The optional parameter correspond to the options of the configuration file described <<a_manual chapter="staticmod"|here>>.

val section : Lwt_log_core.section

Use Lwt_log.Section.set_level in order to select the log level for this module


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