package plebeia

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

1 Node hash

val of_bud : Hash.Hasher.t -> Hash.t option -> Hash.Prefix.t
val of_internal : Hash.Hasher.t -> Hash.t -> Hash.t -> Hash.Prefix.t
val of_leaf : Hash.Hasher.t -> Value.t -> Hash.Prefix.t
val of_extender : Segment.segment -> Hash.Prefix.t -> Hash.t
val compute : Hash.Hasher.t -> (Node_type.t -> [< `Hashed of Hash.t * Node_type.t | `Not_Hashed of Node_type.view ]) -> Node_type.t -> Node_type.t * Hash.t

Compute the node hash of the given node.

The function argument for short cutting. It returns the hash of the node if it is available without traversing the node's children.

Tail recursive.

val compute_without_context : Hash.Hasher.t -> Node_type.t -> (Node_type.t * Hash.t) option

Compute the node hash, but without the loading of Disk nodes. If the node contains Disk _, it returns None