package re

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
RE is a regular expression library for OCaml


Dune Dependency






Pure OCaml regular expressions with:

  • Perl-style regular expressions (module Re.Perl)
  • Posix extended regular expressions (module Re.Posix)
  • Emacs-style regular expressions (module Re.Emacs)
  • Shell-style file globbing (module Re.Glob)
  • Compatibility layer for OCaml's built-in Str module (module Re.Str)

Published: 16 Mar 2018



Re is a regular expression library for OCaml.


This library has been written by Jerome Vouillon ( It can be downloaded from

Bug reports, suggestions and contributions are welcome.


The following styles of regular expressions are supported:

  • Perl-style regular expressions (module Re.Perl);

  • Posix extended regular expressions (module Re_posix);

  • Emacs-style regular expressions (module Re.Emacs);

  • Shell-style file globbing (module Re_glob).

It is also possible to build regular expressions by combining simpler regular expressions (module Re).

The most notable missing features are back-references and look-ahead/look-behind assertions.

There is also a subset of the PCRE interface available in the Re.pcre library. This makes it easier to port code from that library to Re without any changes beyond replacing the pcre findlib package with re.pcre.


The matches are performed by lazily building a DFA (deterministic finite automaton) from the regular expression. As a consequence, matching takes linear time in the length of the matched string.

The compilation of patterns is slower than with libraries using back-tracking, such as PCRE. But, once a large enough part of the DFA is built, matching is extremely fast.

Of course, for some combinations of regular expression and string, the part of the DFA that needs to be build is so large that this point is never reached, and matching will be slow. This is not expected to happen often in practice, and actually a lot of expressions that behaves badly with a backtracking implementation are very efficient with this implementation.

The library is at the moment entirely written in OCaml. As a consequence, regular expression matching is much slower when the library is compiled to bytecode than when it is compiled to native code.

Here are some timing results (Pentium III 500Mhz):

  • Scanning a 1Mb string containing only as, except for the last character which is a b, searching for the pattern aa?b (repeated 100 times):

    • RE: 2.6s

    • PCRE: 68s

  • Regular expression example from [1]

    • RE: 0.43s

    • PCRE: 3.68s

    [1] this page is no longer up but is available via the Internet Archive

  • The large regular expression (about 2000 characters long) that Unison uses with my preference file to decide whether a file should be ignored or not. This expression is matched against a filename about 20000 times.

    • RE: 0.31s

    • PCRE: 3.7s However, RE is only faster than PCRE when there are more than about 300 filenames.

Dependencies (2)

  1. jbuilder >= "1.0+beta10"
  2. ocaml >= "4.02.3"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. ounit with-test

  1. alcotest < "0.4.3" | >= "1.0.0"
  2. alcotest-async >= "1.3.0"
  3. alcotest-lwt >= "1.3.0"
  4. alcotest-mirage >= "1.3.0"
  5. atd = "2.2.1"
  6. atdd
  7. atdgen >= "2.3.3"
  8. atdgen-runtime = "2.2.1"
  9. atdj >= "2.2.1" & < "20151001.01"
  10. atdpy >= "2.4.1"
  11. atds < "2.3.3"
  12. atdts
  13. aws-config
  14. awsm-codegen
  15. BetterErrors
  16. bap < "1.0.0"
  17. bap-byteweight-frontend
  18. bap-callgraph-collator
  19. bap-fsi-benchmark
  20. bap-ida
  21. bap-objdump < "1.4.0" | >= "1.6.0"
  22. bap-print >= "2.2.0"
  23. bap-radare2
  24. bap-server
  25. biocaml >= "0.4.0"
  26. bistro = "0.5.0"
  27. bulletml
  28. calculon >= "0.2"
  29. calculon-web
  30. caldav
  31. calendar >= "3.0.0"
  32. camlp5 >= "8.00.05" & < "8.02.01"
  33. caqti >= "1.7.0"
  34. ccss >= "1.6"
  35. cinaps >= "v0.10.0" & < "v0.12.0"
  36. cohttp < "2.1.3"
  37. coin
  38. core_bench >= "v0.9.0" & < "v0.12.0"
  39. core_extended >= "v0.10.0" & < "v0.12.0"
  40. cow < "1.2.2"
  41. cowabloga >= "0.4.0"
  42. cuid
  43. daypack-lib
  44. debian-formats < "0.1.2"
  45. decompress >= "0.8" & < "1.0.0"
  46. dkml-install-installer >= "0.4.0"
  47. dns < "4.0.0"
  48. dog < "0.2.1"
  49. doi2bib >= "0.5.1"
  50. dose
  51. dose3
  52. dune-release >= "0.2.0"
  53. duppy >= "0.9.4"
  54. elpi
  55. expect_test_helpers_kernel < "v0.12.0"
  56. fat-filesystem != "0.12.0"
  57. frag
  58. gensqlite
  59. git < "1.3.0" | >= "1.9.0" & < "1.10.0"
  60. git-split < "0.0.4"
  61. git_split
  62. graphql_parser >= "0.11.0"
  63. hlarp >= "0.0.3"
  64. horned_worm
  65. http_router
  66. humane-re
  67. icalendar
  68. imaplet-lwt >= "0.1.9"
  69. index
  70. index-bench < "1.3.2" | = "1.4.0"
  71. irmin != "0.8.1" & < "0.10.0" | >= "1.0.0" & < "1.2.0"
  72. iso-filesystem
  73. jingoo >= "1.2.21"
  74. js_of_ocaml-compiler >= "3.10.0"
  75. jwt
  76. jwto < "0.2.0"
  77. kappa-library
  78. kubecaml
  79. labrys
  80. ldap >= "2.5.1"
  81. learn-ocaml >= "0.13.0"
  82. libres3 >= "0.3"
  83. lipsum
  84. mbr-format < "1.0.0"
  85. mdx
  86. message-switch
  87. mirage >= "0.10.0" & < "2.4.0"
  88. mirage-bootvar-xen < "0.3.2"
  89. mirage-www < "1.0.0"
  90. mparser-re
  91. mustache < "2.0.0"
  92. naboris
  93. obelisk >= "0.5.0"
  94. ocaml-lsp-server >= "1.7.0"
  95. ocamlformat >= "0.11.0" & < "0.25.1"
  96. ocamlformat-rpc >= "0.19.0" & < "0.21.0"
  97. ocp-build >= "1.99.21"
  98. ocp-index >= "1.0.2" & < "1.2"
  99. ocsigen-start >= "1.7.0"
  100. odoc >= "2.0.0" & < "2.1.0"
  101. opam-bin >= "0.9.5" & < "1.1.0"
  102. opam-build-revdeps
  103. opam-client >= "2.0.0~rc2" & < "2.1.0~beta2"
  104. opam-compiler
  105. opam-core < "2.1.0~beta2"
  106. opam-format >= "2.0.8" & < "2.1.0~beta2"
  107. opam-lib
  108. opam-solver >= "2.0.8" & < "2.1.0~beta2"
  109. opam2web >= "1.3.0"
  110. opam_bin_lib
  111. operf-macro
  112. opium >= "0.13.1"
  113. opium_kernel
  114. oranger < "3.0.1"
  115. ostap < "0.6"
  116. ozulip
  117. pa_ppx_regexp < "0.02"
  118. pgocaml >= "2.3"
  119. pgx
  120. podge >= "0.3"
  121. ppx_cstubs
  122. ppx_expect >= "113.33.00" & < "v0.12.0"
  123. ppx_implicits >= "0.1.0"
  124. ppx_minidebug >= "1.0.0"
  125. ppx_orakuda >= "3.0.0"
  126. ppx_regexp >= "0.3.2"
  127. ppx_sqlexpr
  128. ppx_test >= "1.1.0" & < "1.7.0"
  129. ppx_tyre
  130. prometheus >= "0.2"
  131. reason < "1.7.4"
  132. receive-mail
  133. redis >= "0.2.1"
  134. regenerate
  135. rfc1951 < "1.0.0"
  136. sarek >= "20210823"
  137. sarif >= "0.2.1"
  138. sexp_pretty < "v0.12.0"
  139. sill >= "1.3.1"
  140. simple-diff
  141. slug
  142. soupault < "3.2.0"
  143. spoc >= "20210823"
  144. sqlexpr >= "0.7.1" & < "0.9.0"
  145. swagger
  146. tar < "2.2.0"
  147. tar-format >= "0.2.0"
  148. tar-mirage < "2.2.0"
  149. tar-unix < "2.2.0"
  150. testrunner
  151. tezos-base < "7.4"
  152. tezos-clic < "8.0" | >= "13.0" & < "16.0"
  153. tezos-protocol-compiler = "10.2" | = "13.0"
  154. tezos-stdlib-unix >= "7.4" & < "16.0"
  155. tezt >= "2.0.0"
  156. touist >= "3.5.0"
  157. tyre < "0.4"
  158. tyxml >= "4.0.0"
  159. tyxml-syntax
  160. uri < "2.2.1"
  161. user-setup
  162. uuuu
  163. validate
  164. vhd-tool >= "0.12.0"
  165. webmachine
  166. xapi-idl
  167. xe
  168. xen-api-client >= "0.9.6"
  169. xtmpl >= "0.15.0" & < "0.19.0"




Innovation. Community. Security.