package tablecloth-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A collection of key-value pairs

A Map represents a unique mapping from keys to values.

Map is an immutable data structure which means operations like Map.add and Map.remove do not modify the data structure, but return a new map with the desired changes.

Since maps of ints and strings are so common the specialized Map.Int and Map.String modules are available, which offer a convenient way to construct new maps.

Custom data types can be used with maps as long as the module satisfies the Comparator.S interface.

module Point = struct
  type t = int * int
  let compare =
  include Comparator.Make(struct
    type nonrec t = t
    let compare = compare

type animal =
  | Cow
  | Pig
  | Alpacca

let point_to_animal : animal Map.Of(Point).t =
  Map.from_list (module Point) [((0, 0), Alpacca); ((3, 4), Cow); ((6, 7), Pig)]

See the Comparator module for a more details.

type ('key, +'value, 'id) t = ('key, 'value, 'id) Base.Map.t
module Of (M : sig ... end) : sig ... end

This functor lets you describe the type of Maps a little more concisely.


You can create sets of modules types which conform to the Comparator.S signature by using empty, singleton, from_list or from_array.

Specialised versions of the empty, singleton, from_list and from_array functions available in the Set.Int and Set.String sub-modules.

val empty : (module Tablecloth__.TableclothComparator.S with type identity = 'identity and type t = 'key) -> ('key, 'value, 'identity) t

A map with nothing in it.

Often used as an intial value for functions like Array.fold.


  [|"Pear"; "Orange"; "Grapefruit"|]
  ~initial:(Map.empty (module Int))
  ~f:(fun length_to_fruit fruit ->
    Map.add length_to_fruit ~key:(String.length fruit) ~value:fruit
|> Map.to_array
= [|(4, "Pear"); (6, "Orange"); (10, "Grapefruit")|]

In this particular case you might want to use Array.group_by

val singleton : (module Tablecloth__.TableclothComparator.S with type identity = 'identity and type t = 'key) -> key:'key -> value:'value -> ('key, 'value, 'identity) t

Create a map from a key and value.


Map.singleton (module Int) ~key:1 ~value:"Ant" |> Map.to_list = [(1, "Ant")]
val from_array : (module Tablecloth__.TableclothComparator.S with type identity = 'identity and type t = 'key) -> ('key * 'value) array -> ('key, 'value, 'identity) t

Create a map from an Array of key-value tuples.

val from_list : (module Tablecloth__.TableclothComparator.S with type identity = 'identity and type t = 'key) -> ('key * 'value) list -> ('key, 'value, 'identity) t

Create a map of a List of key-value tuples.

Basic operations

val add : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> key:'key -> value:'value -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t

Adds a new entry to a map. If key is allready present, its previous value is replaced with value.


  (Map.Int.from_list [(1, "Ant"); (2, "Bat")])
|> Map.to_list = [(1, "Ant"); (2, "Bat"); (3, "Cat")]
Map.add (Map.Int.from_list [(1, "Ant"); (2, "Bat")]) ~key:2 ~value:"Bug" |> Map.to_list = [(1, "Ant"); (2, "Bug")]
val (.?{}<-) : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> 'key -> 'value -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t

The index operator version of add

Note Currently this is only supported by the OCaml syntax.


let index_to_animal = Map.Int.from_list [(1, "Ant");(2, "Bat");(3, "Cat")] in
let index_to_animal = numbers.Map.?{4} <- "Dog" in
index_to_animal.Map.?{4} = Some "Dog"
val remove : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> key:'key -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t

Removes a key-value pair from a map based on they provided key.


let animal_populations = Map.String.from_list [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
] in
animal_populations |> Map.remove ~key:"Mosquito" |> Map.to_list = [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
val get : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> key:'key -> 'value option

Get the value associated with a key. If the key is not present in the map, returns None.


let animal_populations = Map.String.from_list ("Elephant", 3_156); ("Mosquito", 56_123_156); ("Rhino", 3); ("Shrew", 56_423); in animal_populations |> Map.get ~key:"Shrew" = Some 56_423;

val (.?{}) : ('key, 'value, _) t -> 'key -> 'value option

The index operator version of Map.get

Note Currently this is only supported by the OCaml syntax.


let index_to_animal = Map.Int.from_list [(1, "Ant");(2, "Bat");(3, "Cat")] in
index_to_animal.Map.?{3} = Some "Cat"
val update : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> key:'key -> f:('value option -> 'value option) -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t

Update the value for a specific key using f. If key is not present in the map f will be called with None.


let animal_populations = Map.String.from_list [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
] in

|> Map.update ~key:"Hedgehog" ~f:(fun population ->
  match population with
  | None -> Some 1
  | Some count -> Some (count + 1)
|> Map.to_list = [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Hedgehog", 1);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);


val is_empty : (_, _, _) t -> bool

Determine if a map is empty.

val length : (_, _, _) t -> int

Returns the number of key-value pairs present in the map.


Map.Int.from_list [(1, "Hornet"); (3, "Marmot")]
|> Map.length = 2
val any : (_, 'value, _) t -> f:('value -> bool) -> bool

Determine if f returns true for any values in a map.

val all : (_, 'value, _) t -> f:('value -> bool) -> bool

Determine if f returns true for all values in a map.

val find : ('key, 'value, _) t -> f:(key:'key -> value:'value -> bool) -> ('key * 'value) option

Returns, as an Option the first key-value pair for which f evaluates to true.

If f doesn't return true for any of the elements find will return None.

Searches starting from the smallest key


Map.String.from_list [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> Map.find ~f:(fun ~key ~value -> value > 10_000)
  = Some ("Mosquito", 56_123_156)
val includes : ('key, _, _) t -> key:'key -> bool

Determine if a map includes key.

val minimum : ('key, _, _) t -> 'key option

Returns, as an Option, the smallest key in the map.

Returns None if the map is empty.


Map.Int.from_list [(8, "Pigeon"); (1, "Hornet"); (3, "Marmot")]
|> Map.minimum = Some 1
val maximum : ('key, _, _) t -> 'key option

Returns the largest key in the map.

Returns None if the map is empty.


Map.Int.from_list [(8, "Pigeon"); (1, "Hornet"); (3, "Marmot")]
|> Map.maximum = Some 8
val extent : ('key, _, _) t -> ('key * 'key) option

Returns, as an Option, a Tuple of the (minimum, maximum) keys in the map.

Returns None if the map is empty.


Map.Int.from_list [(8, "Pigeon"); (1, "Hornet"); (3, "Marmot")]
|> Map.extent = Some (1, 8)


val merge : ('key, 'v1, 'id) t -> ('key, 'v2, 'id) t -> f:('key -> 'v1 option -> 'v2 option -> 'v3 option) -> ('key, 'v3, 'id) t

Combine two maps.

You provide a function f which is provided the key and the optional value from each map and needs to account for the three possibilities:

  • Only the 'left' map includes a value for the key.
  • Both maps contain a value for the key.
  • Only the 'right' map includes a value for the key.

You then traverse all the keys, building up whatever you want.


let animal_to_population =
  Map.String.from_list [
    ("Elephant", 3_156);
    ("Shrew", 56_423);
let animal_to_population_growth_rate = Map.String.from_list [
  ("Elephant", 0.88);
  ("Squirrel", 1.2);
  ("Python", 4.0);
] in

  ~f:(fun _animal population growth ->
    match (Option.both population growth) with
    | Some (population, growth) ->
        Some Float.((from_int population) * growth)
    | None -> None
|> Map.to_list
  = [("Elephant", 2777.28)]


val map : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> f:('value -> 'b) -> ('key, 'b, 'id) t

Apply a function to all values in a dictionary.


Map.String.from_list [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> ~f:Int.to_string
|> Map.to_list
  = [
  ("Elephant", "3156");
  ("Shrew", "56423");
val map_with_index : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> f:('key -> 'value -> 'b) -> ('key, 'b, 'id) t

Like map but f is also called with each values corresponding key.

val filter : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> f:('value -> bool) -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t

Keep elements that f returns true for.


Map.String.from_list [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> Map.filter ~f:(fun population -> population > 10_000)
|> Map.to_list
  = [
  ("Shrew", 56423);
val filter_map : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> f:(key:'key -> value:'value -> 'b option) -> ('key, 'b, 'id) t
val partition : ('key, 'value, 'id) t -> f:(key:'key -> value:'value -> bool) -> ('key, 'value, 'id) t * ('key, 'value, 'id) t

Divide a map into two, the first map will contain the key-value pairs that f returns true for, pairs that f returns false for will end up in the second.


let (endangered, not_endangered) = Map.String.from_list [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> Map.partition ~f:(fun ~key:_  -> fun ~value:population  -> population < 10000)

Map.to_list endangered = [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);

Map.to_list not_endangered = [
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
val fold : ('key, 'value, _) t -> initial:'a -> f:('a -> key:'key -> value:'value -> 'a) -> 'a

Like Array.fold but f is also called with both the key and value.


val for_each : (_, 'value, _) t -> f:('value -> unit) -> unit

Runs a function f against each value in the map.

val for_each_with_index : ('key, 'value, _) t -> f:(key:'key -> value:'value -> unit) -> unit

Like Map.for_each except ~f is also called with the corresponding key.


val keys : ('key, _, _) t -> 'key list

Get a List of all of the keys in a map.


Map.String.from_list [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> Map.keys = [
val values : (_, 'value, _) t -> 'value list

Get a List of all of the values in a map.


Map.String.from_list [
  ("Elephant", 3_156);
  ("Mosquito", 56_123_156);
  ("Rhino", 3);
  ("Shrew", 56_423);
|> Map.values = [
val to_array : ('key, 'value, _) t -> ('key * 'value) array

Get an Array of all of the key-value pairs in a map.

val to_list : ('key, 'value, _) t -> ('key * 'value) list

Get a List of all of the key-value pairs in a map.

module Poly : sig ... end

Construct a Map which can be keyed by any data type using the polymorphic compare function.

module Int : sig ... end

Construct a Map with Ints for keys.

module String : sig ... end

Construct a Map with Strings for keys.


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