package tablecloth-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Bool : sig ... end

Functions for working with boolean (true or false) values.

module Char : sig ... end

Functions for working with single characters.

module String : sig ... end

Functions for working with "strings"

module Int : sig ... end

Fixed precision integers

module Float : sig ... end

Functions for working with floating point numbers.

module Container : sig ... end

Interfaces for use with container types like Array or List

module Array : sig ... end

A fixed lenfth collection of values

module List : sig ... end

Arbitrary length, singly linked lists

module Option : sig ... end

Functions for working with optional values.

module Result : sig ... end

Functions for working with computations which may fail.

module Tuple2 : sig ... end

Functions for manipulating tuples of length two

module Tuple3 : sig ... end

Functions for manipulating tuples of length three

module Comparator : sig ... end
module Set : sig ... end

A collection of unique values

module Map : sig ... end

A collection of key-value pairs

module Fun : sig ... end

Functions for working with functions.


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