package ocamlnet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type fatal_error = [
  1. | `Broken_pipe
  2. | `Broken_pipe_ignore
  3. | `Message_too_long
  4. | `Server_error
  5. | `TLS_error of string * string
  6. | `Timeout
  7. | `Unix_error of Unix.error
val string_of_fatal_error : fatal_error -> string
type bad_request_error = [
  1. | `Bad_header
  2. | `Bad_header_field of string
  3. | `Bad_request_line
  4. | `Bad_trailer
  5. | `Format_error of string
  6. | `Protocol_not_supported
  7. | `Request_line_too_long
  8. | `Unexpected_eof
val string_of_bad_request_error : bad_request_error -> string
val status_of_bad_request_error : bad_request_error -> Nethttp.http_status
type data_chunk = Bytes.t * int * int
type status_line = int * string
type transfer_coding = [
  1. | `Chunked
  2. | `Identity
type resp_token = [
  1. | `Resp_action of unit -> unit
  2. | `Resp_body of data_chunk
  3. | `Resp_end
  4. | `Resp_header of Nethttp.http_header
  5. | `Resp_info_line of status_line * Nethttp.http_header
  6. | `Resp_status_line of status_line
  7. | `Resp_trailer of Nethttp.http_trailer
val resp_100_continue : resp_token
type resp_state = [
  1. | `Active
  2. | `Dropped
  3. | `Error
  4. | `Inhibited
  5. | `Processed
  6. | `Queued
type front_token = [
  1. | `Resp_end
  2. | `Resp_wire_data of data_chunk
exception Send_queue_empty
type announcement = [
  1. | `As of string
  2. | `Ignore
  3. | `Ocamlnet
  4. | `Ocamlnet_and of string
class type http_response = object ... end
class http_response_impl : ?close:bool -> ?suppress_body:bool -> int64 -> Nethttp.protocol -> announcement -> http_response
val send_static_response : http_response -> Nethttp.http_status -> Nethttp.http_header option -> Bytes.t -> unit
val send_file_response : http_response -> Nethttp.http_status -> Nethttp.http_header option -> Unix.file_descr -> int64 -> unit
type req_token = [
  1. | `Bad_request_error of bad_request_error * http_response
  2. | `Eof
  3. | `Fatal_error of fatal_error
  4. | `Req_body of data_chunk
  5. | `Req_end
  6. | `Req_expect_100_continue
  7. | `Req_header of request_line * Nethttp.http_header * http_response
  8. | `Req_trailer of Nethttp.http_trailer
  9. | `Timeout
val string_of_req_token : req_token -> string
exception Recv_queue_empty
class type http_protocol_config = object ... end
val default_http_protocol_config : http_protocol_config
class modify_http_protocol_config : ?config_max_reqline_length:int -> ?config_max_header_length:int -> ?config_max_trailer_length: int -> ?config_limit_pipeline_length:int -> ?config_limit_pipeline_size: int -> ?config_announce_server:announcement -> ?config_suppress_broken_pipe: bool -> ?config_tls:Netsys_crypto_types.tls_config option -> http_protocol_config -> http_protocol_config
class type http_protocol_hooks = object ... end
class http_protocol : http_protocol_config -> Unix.file_descr -> object ... end
class lingering_close : ?preclose:(unit -> unit) -> Unix.file_descr -> object ... end
module Debug : sig ... end

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