package ocamlnet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
exception Fatal_error of exn
type environment
val create_env : unit -> environment
val current_env : unit -> environment
val copy_env : environment -> environment
val set_env : environment -> string array -> unit
val get_env : environment -> string array
val iter_env : f:(string -> unit) -> environment -> unit
val set_env_var : environment -> string -> string -> unit
val get_env_var : environment -> string -> string
val iter_env_vars : f:(string -> string -> unit) -> environment -> unit
type command
val command : ?cmdname:string -> ?arguments:string array -> ?chdir:string -> ?environment:environment -> ?descriptors:Unix.file_descr list -> ?assignments:(Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr) list -> filename:string -> unit -> command
exception Executable_not_found of string
val lookup_executable : ?path:string list -> string -> string
val get_cmdname : command -> string
val get_arguments : command -> string array
val get_chdir : command -> string option
val get_environment : command -> environment
val get_descriptors : command -> Unix.file_descr list
val get_assignments : command -> (Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr) list
val get_filename : command -> string
val set_cmdname : command -> string -> unit
val set_arguments : command -> string array -> unit
val set_chdir : command -> string option -> unit
val set_environment : command -> environment -> unit
val set_descriptors : command -> Unix.file_descr list -> unit
val set_assignments : command -> (Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr) list -> unit
val set_filename : command -> string -> unit
val copy_command : command -> command
val is_executable : command -> bool
type process
type group_action =
  1. | New_bg_group
  2. | New_fg_group
  3. | Join_group of int
  4. | Current_group
type fwd_mode =
  1. | No_forward
  2. | Forward_to_process
  3. | Forward_to_group
val run : ?group:group_action -> ?forward_mode:fwd_mode -> ?pipe_assignments:(Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr) list -> command -> process
val process_id : process -> int
val status : process -> Unix.process_status
val command_of_process : process -> command
val call : command -> process
val kill : ?signal:int -> process -> unit
type job
type job_instance
val new_job : unit -> job
val add_command : command -> job -> unit
val add_pipeline : ?bidirectional:bool -> ?src_descr:Unix.file_descr -> ?dest_descr:Unix.file_descr -> src:command -> dest:command -> job -> unit
val add_producer : ?descr:Unix.file_descr -> producer:(Unix.file_descr -> bool) -> command -> job -> unit
val from_string : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> ?epipe:(unit -> unit) -> string -> Unix.file_descr -> bool
val from_tstring : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> ?epipe:(unit -> unit) -> Netsys_types.tstring -> Unix.file_descr -> bool
val from_stream : ?epipe:(unit -> unit) -> string Stream.t -> Unix.file_descr -> bool
val add_consumer : ?descr:Unix.file_descr -> consumer:(Unix.file_descr -> bool) -> command -> job -> unit
val to_buffer : Buffer.t -> Unix.file_descr -> bool
val to_netbuffer : Netbuffer.t -> Unix.file_descr -> bool
type group_mode =
  1. | Same_as_caller
  2. | Foreground
  3. | Background
val run_job : ?mode:group_mode -> ?forward_signals:bool -> job -> job_instance
class type !'t job_handler_engine_type = object ... end
val finish_job : job_instance -> unit
val call_job : ?mode:group_mode -> ?forward_signals:bool -> ?onerror:(job_instance -> unit) -> job -> job_instance
val processes : job_instance -> process list
exception No_Unix_process_group
val process_group_leader : job_instance -> process
val process_group_id : job_instance -> int
type job_status =
  1. | Job_running
  2. | Job_partially_running
  3. | Job_ok
  4. | Job_error
  5. | Job_abandoned
val job_status : job_instance -> job_status
val kill_process_group : ?signal:int -> job_instance -> unit
val kill_processes : ?signal:int -> job_instance -> unit
val cancel_job : ?signal:int -> job_instance -> unit
val abandon_job : ?signal:int -> job_instance -> unit
exception Already_installed
val configure_job_handlers : ?catch_sigint:bool -> ?catch_sigquit:bool -> ?catch_sigterm:bool -> ?catch_sighup:bool -> ?at_exit:bool -> unit -> unit
val install_job_handlers : unit -> unit
module Debug : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.