package git-unix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type error =
  1. | Invalid_hash of Hash.t

    Appears when the user requested a wrong hash.

  2. | Invalid_offset of int64

    Appears when the given offset is not available inside the PACK file.

  3. | Invalid_target of int * int

    Appears when the result of the application of a P.H.hunks returns a bad raw.

  4. | Unpack_error of PDec.t * Git.Unpack.Window.t * PDec.error

    Appears when we have an P.error.

  5. | Mapper_error of Fs.Mapper.error

The type error.

val pp_error : error Fmt.t

Pretty-printer for error.

type kind = [
  1. | `Commit
  2. | `Blob
  3. | `Tree
  4. | `Tag

The type of the kind of the git object.

type pack

The type of the decoder.

val idx : pack -> Hash.t -> (Checkseum.Crc32.t * int64) option
val extern : pack -> Hash.t -> (kind * Cstruct.t) option Lwt.t
val update_idx : (Hash.t -> (Checkseum.Crc32.t * int64) option) -> pack -> pack
val update_extern : (Hash.t -> (kind * Cstruct.t) option Lwt.t) -> pack -> pack
val make : ?bucket:int -> Fs.Mapper.fd -> (Hash.t -> (Checkseum.Crc32.t * int64) option) -> (Hash.t -> (kind * Cstruct.t) option Lwt.t) -> (pack, Fs.Mapper.error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
module Diff : sig ... end
module Patch : sig ... end
module Base : sig ... end
module Object : sig ... end
module Cache : sig ... end
module Ascendant : sig ... end
module Descendant : sig ... end

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