package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

ACSL extensions registration module

  • since 21.0-Scandium
type extension_preprocessor = Logic_ptree.lexpr list -> Logic_ptree.lexpr list

Untyped ACSL extensions transformers

Transformers from untyped to typed ACSL extension

Visitor functions for ACSL extensions

type extension_preprocessor_block = (string * Logic_ptree.extended_decl list) -> string * Logic_ptree.extended_decl list
type extension_printer = Printer_api.extensible_printer_type -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Cil_types.acsl_extension_kind -> unit

Pretty printers for ACSL extensions

type of functions that compare two extensions (with the same keyword) to decide if they're identical or not. See Ast_diff for more information.

  • since 29.0-Copper
type register_extension = plugin:string -> string -> ?preprocessor:extension_preprocessor -> extension_typer -> ?visitor:extension_visitor -> ?printer:extension_printer -> ?short_printer:extension_printer -> ?is_same_ext:extension_same -> bool -> unit

type of functions that register new ACSL extensions to be used in place of various kinds of ACSL annotations.

The labelled parameter plugin is used to specify which plugin registers this new extension. It can be used, together with the syntax \plugin::name _ in ACSL annotations (instead of just name _), to do some verifications and get better warnings/errors messages.

The optional preprocessor is a function to be applied by the parser on the untyped content of the extension before parsing the rest of the processed file. By default, this function is the identity.

The typer is applied when transforming the untyped AST to Cil. It recieves the typing context of the annotation that can be used to type the received logic expressions (see Logic_typing.typing_context), and the location of the annotation.

The optional visitor allows changing the way the ACSL extension is visited. By default, the behavior is Cil.DoChildren, which ends up visiting each identified predicate/term in the list and leave the id as is.

The optional printer allows changing the way the ACSL extension is pretty printed. By default, it prints the name of the extension followed by the formatted predicates, terms or identifier according to the Cil_types.acsl_extension_kind.

The optional short_printer allows changing the Printer.pp_short_extended behavior for the ACSL extension. By default, it just prints the name. It is for example used for the filetree in the GUI.

The optional is_same_ext parameter allows checking whether two versions of the extended annotation are identical or not during a run of Ast_diff.compare_ast. By default, Ast_diff will compare the lists of terms/predicates.

The status indicates whether the extension can be assigned a property status or not.

Here is a basic example: let count = ref 0 let foo_typer typing_context loc = function | p :: [] -> Ext_preds [ (typing_context.type_predicate typing_context (typing_context.post_state [Normal]) p)]) | [] -> let id = !count in incr count; Ext_id id | _ -> typing_context.error loc "expecting a predicate after keyword FOO" let () = Acsl_extension.register_behavior ~plugin:"myplugin" "FOO" foo_typer false

  • before 29.0-Copper

    parameters plugin and is_same_ext were not present

type register_extension_block = plugin:string -> string -> ?preprocessor:extension_preprocessor_block -> extension_typer_block -> ?visitor:extension_visitor -> ?printer:extension_printer -> ?short_printer:extension_printer -> ?is_same_ext:extension_same -> bool -> unit

same as register_extension, but for extensions that parse an axiomatic block, resulting in a Cil_types.acsl_extension_kind.Ext_annot.

val register_behavior : register_extension

Register a behavior extension, i.e. new clauses of contracts

val register_global : register_extension

Register extension for global annotation.

val register_global_block : register_extension_block

Registers extension for global block annotation.

val register_code_annot : register_extension

Registers extension for code annotation to be evaluated at _current_ program point.

val register_code_annot_next_stmt : register_extension

Registers extension for code annotation to be evaluated for the _next_ statement.

val register_code_annot_next_loop : register_extension

Registers extension for loop annotation.

val register_code_annot_next_both : register_extension

Registers extension both for code and loop annotations.


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