package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Interactive Proof Engine

type tree

A proof tree

type node

A proof node

module Node : sig ... end
val get : Wpo.t -> [ `Script | `Proof | `Saved | `None ]
val proof : main:Wpo.t -> tree
val validate : tree -> unit

Consolidate and update status of the entire script (memoized).

val consolidate : Wpo.t -> unit

Consolidate proof tree (memoized).

val consolidated : Wpo.t -> Stats.stats

Consolidated statistics (memoized).

val results : Wpo.t -> (VCS.prover * VCS.result) list

Consolidated results (memoized).

Leaves are numbered from 0 to n-1

type status = [
  1. | `Unproved

    proof obligation not proved

  2. | `Proved

    proof obligation is proved

  3. | `Pending of int

    proof is pending

  4. | `Passed

    smoke test is passed (PO is not proved)

  5. | `Invalid

    smoke test has failed (PO is proved)

  6. | `StillResist of int

    proof is pending

type current = [
  1. | `Main
  2. | `Internal of node
  3. | `Leaf of int * node
type position = [
  1. | `Main
  2. | `Node of node
  3. | `Leaf of int
val pool : tree -> Lang.F.pool
val saved : tree -> bool
val set_saved : tree -> bool -> unit
val status : tree -> status
val current : tree -> current
val goto : tree -> position -> unit
val root : tree -> node
val main : tree -> Wpo.t
val goal : node -> Wpo.t
val tree : node -> tree
val head : tree -> node option
val head_goal : tree -> Wpo.t
val tree_context : tree -> WpContext.t
val node_context : node -> WpContext.t
val title : node -> string
val fully_proved : node -> bool
val locally_proved : node -> bool
val pending : node -> int
val stats : node -> Stats.stats
val depth : node -> int
val path : node -> node list
val parent : node -> node option
val tactic : node -> Tactical.t option
val child_label : node -> string option
val tactic_label : node -> string option
val subgoals : node -> node list
val children : node -> (string * node) list
val tactical : node -> ProofScript.jtactic option
val get_strategies : node -> int * Strategy.t array
val set_strategies : node -> ?index:int -> Strategy.t array -> unit
val get_hint : node -> string option
val set_hint : node -> string -> unit
val forward : tree -> unit
val clear_goal : Wpo.t -> unit
val clear_tree : tree -> unit
val clear_node : tree -> node -> unit
val clear_node_tactic : tree -> node -> unit
val clear_parent_tactic : tree -> node -> unit
val add_goal_hook : (Wpo.t -> unit) -> unit
val add_clear_hook : (Wpo.t -> unit) -> unit
val add_remove_hook : (node -> unit) -> unit
val add_update_hook : (node -> unit) -> unit
val cancel_parent_tactic : tree -> unit
val cancel_current_node : tree -> unit
type fork
val anchor : tree -> ?node:node -> unit -> node
val fork : tree -> anchor:node -> ProofScript.jtactic -> Tactical.process -> fork
val iter : (Wpo.t -> unit) -> fork -> unit
val commit : fork -> node * (string * node) list
val pretty : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> fork -> unit
val has_proof : Wpo.t -> bool
val has_script : tree -> bool
val script : tree -> ProofScript.jscript
val bind : node -> ProofScript.jscript -> unit
val bound : node -> ProofScript.jscript

Innovation. Community. Security.