package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Useful high-level system operations.

File Utilities

val pp_to_file : Filepath.Normalized.t -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit

pp_to_file file pp runs pp on a formatter that writes into file. The formatter is always properly flushed and closed on return. Exceptions in pp are re-raised after closing.

val pp_from_file : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Filepath.Normalized.t -> unit

pp_from_file fmt file dumps the content of file into the fmt. Exceptions in pp are re-raised after closing.

val bincopy : bytes -> Stdlib.in_channel -> Stdlib.out_channel -> unit

copy buffer cin cout reads cin until end-of-file and copy it in cout. buffer is a temporary string used during the copy. Recommended size is 2048.

copy source target copies source file to target file using bincopy.

val read_file : Filepath.Normalized.t -> (Stdlib.in_channel -> 'a) -> 'a

Properly close the channel and re-raise exceptions

val read_lines : Filepath.Normalized.t -> (string -> unit) -> unit

Iter over all text lines in the file

val write_file : Filepath.Normalized.t -> (Stdlib.out_channel -> 'a) -> 'a

Properly close the channel and re-raise exceptions

val print_file : Filepath.Normalized.t -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a) -> 'a

Properly flush and close the channel and re-raise exceptions

Timing Utility

type timer = float Stdlib.ref
val time : ?rmax:timer -> ?radd:timer -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

Compute the elapsed time with Sys.time. The rmax timer is maximized and the radd timer is cumulated. Computed result is returned, or exception is re-raised.

System commands

val full_command : string -> string array -> stdin:Unix.file_descr -> stdout:Unix.file_descr -> stderr:Unix.file_descr -> Unix.process_status

Same arguments as Unix.create_process but returns only when execution is complete.

  • raises Sys_error

    when a system error occurs

type process_result =
  1. | Not_ready of unit -> unit
  2. | Result of Unix.process_status

    Not_ready f means that the child process is not yet finished and may be terminated manually with f ().

val full_command_async : string -> string array -> stdin:Unix.file_descr -> stdout:Unix.file_descr -> stderr:Unix.file_descr -> unit -> process_result

Same arguments as Unix.create_process.

  • returns

    a function to call to check if the process execution is complete. You must call this function until it returns a Result to prevent Zombie processes.

  • raises Sys_error

    when a system error occurs

val command_async : ?stdout:Stdlib.Buffer.t -> ?stderr:Stdlib.Buffer.t -> string -> string array -> unit -> process_result

Same arguments as Unix.create_process.

  • returns

    a function to call to check if the process execution is complete. You must call this function until it returns a Result to prevent Zombie processes. When this function returns a Result, the stdout and stderr of the child process will be filled into the arguments buffer.

  • raises Sys_error

    when a system error occurs

val command : ?timeout:int -> ?stdout:Stdlib.Buffer.t -> ?stderr:Stdlib.Buffer.t -> string -> string array -> Unix.process_status

Same arguments as Unix.create_process. When this function returns, the stdout and stderr of the child process will be filled into the arguments buffer.

  • raises Sys_error

    when a system error occurs

  • raises Async.Cancel

    when the computation is interrupted or on timeout

  • before 29.0-Copper

    Async.Cancel was Db.Cancel


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