package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module H = MyCFG.NodeH
module NH = MyCFG.NodeH
module NS : sig ... end
val find_loop_heads_fun : (module MyCFG.CfgForward) -> Cil.fundec -> unit NH.t
val find_backwards_reachable : (module MyCFG.CfgBackward) -> MyCFG.node -> unit NH.t
module SCC : sig ... end

Strongly connected component.

val computeSCCs : (module MyCFG.CfgBidir) -> NH.key list -> SCC.t list * SCC.t NH.t

Compute strongly connected components (SCCs) of nodes in Cfg. Returns list of SCCs and a mapping from nodes to those SCCs.

val pretty_edges : unit -> ('a * Edge.t) list -> Pretty.doc
val get_pseudo_return_id : Cil.fundec -> int
val node_scc_global : SCC.t NH.t
exception Not_connect of Cil.fundec
val createCFG : Cil.file -> ((Cil.location * MyCFG.edge) list * NH.key) H.t * ((Cil.location * MyCFG.edge) list * NH.key) H.t
val minimizeCFG : ('a H.t * ('b list * H.key) H.t) -> ('b list * H.key) H.t * ('b list * H.key) H.t
module type CfgPrinters = sig ... end
module type NodeStyles = sig ... end
module CfgPrinters (NodeStyles : NodeStyles) : sig ... end
val fprint_dot : (module CfgPrinters) -> ((MyCFG.node -> ((Cil.location * MyCFG.edge) list * MyCFG.node) -> unit) -> 'a) -> out_channel -> unit
val fprint_hash_dot : ((Cil.location * MyCFG.edge) list * MyCFG.node) H.t -> unit
val getCFG : Cil.file -> MyCFG.cfg * MyCFG.cfg
val generate_irpt_edges : (MyCFG.edge * MyCFG.node) H.t -> unit
val iter_fd_edges : (module MyCFG.CfgBackward) -> CilType.Fundec.t -> (MyCFG.node -> (MyCFG.edges * MyCFG.node) -> unit) -> unit
val fprint_fundec_html_dot : (module MyCFG.CfgBidir) -> (MyCFG.node -> bool) -> CilType.Fundec.t -> out_channel -> unit
val dead_code_cfg : Cil.file -> (module MyCFG.CfgBidir) -> (MyCFG.node -> bool) -> unit
val getGlobalInits : Cil.file -> MyCFG.edges
val numGlobals : Cil.file -> int

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