package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type global_type =
  1. | Fun
  2. | Decl
  3. | Var
  4. | Other
and global_identifier = {
  1. name : string;
  2. global_t : global_type;
val compare_global_type : global_type -> global_type ->
val compare_global_identifier : global_identifier -> global_identifier ->
exception NoGlobalIdentifier of
val identifier_of_global : -> global_identifier
module GlobalMap : sig ... end
val eq_list : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> bool
val eqB : Cil.block -> Cil.block -> bool
val eqS : Cil.stmt -> Cil.stmt -> bool
val print : Pretty.doc -> unit
val compare_name : string -> string -> bool
val eq_constant : Cil.constant -> Cil.constant -> bool
val eq_exp : Cil.exp -> Cil.exp -> bool
val eq_lhost : Cil.lhost -> Cil.lhost -> bool
val global_typ_acc : (Cil.typ * Cil.typ) list Stdlib.ref
val mem_typ_acc : Cil.typ -> Cil.typ -> (Cil.typ * Cil.typ) list -> bool
val pretty_length : unit -> (Cil.typ * Cil.typ) list -> Pretty.doc
val eq_typ_acc : Cil.typ -> Cil.typ -> (Cil.typ * Cil.typ) list -> bool
val eq_typ : Cil.typ -> Cil.typ -> bool
val eq_eitems : (string * Cil.exp * Cil.location) -> (string * Cil.exp * Cil.location) -> bool
val eq_enuminfo : Cil.enuminfo -> Cil.enuminfo -> bool
val eq_args : (Cil.typ * Cil.typ) list -> (string * Cil.typ * Cil.attributes) -> (string * Cil.typ * Cil.attributes) -> bool
val eq_attrparam : Cil.attrparam -> Cil.attrparam -> bool
val eq_attribute : Cil.attribute -> Cil.attribute -> bool
val eq_varinfo : Cil.varinfo -> Cil.varinfo -> bool
val eq_compinfo : Cil.compinfo -> Cil.compinfo -> (Cil.typ * Cil.typ) list -> bool
val eq_fieldinfo : Cil.fieldinfo -> Cil.fieldinfo -> (Cil.typ * Cil.typ) list -> bool
val eq_offset : Cil.offset -> Cil.offset -> bool
val eq_lval : Cil.lval -> Cil.lval -> bool
val eq_instr : Cil.instr -> Cil.instr -> bool
val eq_label : Cil.label -> Cil.label -> bool
val eq_stmt_with_location : (Cil.stmt * Cil.fundec) -> (Cil.stmt * Cil.fundec) -> bool
val eq_stmtkind : ?cfg_comp:bool -> (Cil.stmtkind * Cil.fundec) -> (Cil.stmtkind * Cil.fundec) -> bool
val eq_stmt : ?cfg_comp:bool -> (Cil.stmt * Cil.fundec) -> (Cil.stmt * Cil.fundec) -> bool
val eq_block : (Cil.block * Cil.fundec) -> (Cil.block * Cil.fundec) -> bool
val eq_init : Cil.init -> Cil.init -> bool
val eq_initinfo : Cil.initinfo -> Cil.initinfo -> bool

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