package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module type S = sig ... end

Postsolver with hooks.

module type F = functor (S : Analyses.EqConstrSys) -> functor (VH : Prelude.Hashtbl.S with type key = S.v) -> S with module S = S and module VH = VH

Functorial postsolver for any system.

module Unit : F

Base implementation for postsolver.

module Compose (PS1 : S) (PS2 : S with module S = PS1.S and module VH = PS1.VH) : S with module S = PS1.S and module VH = PS1.VH

Sequential composition of two postsolvers.

module Prune : F

Postsolver for pruning solution using reachability.

module Verify : F

Postsolver for verifying solution in demand-driven fashion.

module Warn : F

Postsolver for enabling messages (warnings) output.

module SaveRun : F

Postsolver for save_run option.

module type StartEqConstrSys = sig ... end

EqConstrSys together with start values to be used.

module EqConstrSysFromStartEqConstrSys (S : StartEqConstrSys) : Analyses.EqConstrSys with type v = S.v and type d = S.d and module Var = S.Var and module Dom = S.Dom

Join start values into right-hand sides. This simplifies start handling in Make.

module Make (PS : S) : sig ... end

Make complete postsolving function from postsolver. This is generic and non-incremental.

module type MakeListArg = sig ... end

List of postsolvers.

module MakeList (Arg : MakeListArg) : sig ... end

Make complete postsolving function from list of postsolvers. If list is empty, no postsolving is performed. This is generic and non-incremental.

module type MakeStdArg = sig ... end

Standard postsolver options.

module ListArgFromStdArg (S : Analyses.EqConstrSys) (VH : Prelude.Hashtbl.S with type key = S.v) (Arg : MakeStdArg) : MakeListArg with module S = S and module VH = VH

List of standard postsolvers.


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